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"Fuck." Punch. "You." punch. Coming to an end to my workout session due to pain from my side and lower abdominal area I picked up my water bottle, taking a huge gulp as there was only a small bit left in the bottle. Tossing it in the trashcan I let my hand message my abdominal area, thinking that it would go away since it's probably soreness. Maybe I didn't do enough warmups. Exiting the gym area I walked to my room, wondering if a nice warm shower could solve this problem. 

Entering my room I noticed a shirtless D'Angelo sleeping on my bed. Last night he decided to come over and sleep with me. I'm not used to cuddles so I felt uncomfortable. In order to accept the feeling I must accept new feelings.Closing the doors to the restroom I went to turn on the showers water to let it heat up. Taking the clothes off I stared at myself, I like my figure, it's better now since I get to have more freedom. I get the chance to go outside and run. Feeling the pain increase I walked over to the shower and got in. As the water hit my body I expected it to go away but I was mistaken. I guess I get to deal with this for the day. 

Minutes passed by I got out of the shower, drying myself off I brushed my teeth. Once done I put in my contacts. I forgot to put them on this morning but luckily I had my shades to cover my eyes just in case anyone came in the room. Quickly putting on moisturizer, concealer, mascara, and lip gloss I put coconut oil into my hair, letting it curl my hair slightly. I didn't feel like putting these things on later. Not bothering to put on a towel I walked into my room naked. Taking out a matching set of undergarments and some booty shorts I walked back to the bed. Getting in I covered myself with the blanket I scooted closer to D'Angelo. I like him and in order to accept the feeling properly I have to open up more even if its uncomfortable. Feeling movement in the bed he stirred in his sleep, his hands find their way around my waist and brought me closer to him. 

The warmth radiating from his hand and onto my abdominal area where the pain was suddenly calmed down, slowly disappearing making me questioned myself. Can I be? It's not possible that I can be due to the major side effects i've gotten.
Seeing that it was still morning I shake the thought as I told myself to rest, in a couple of hours we would have to go visit this different location and try to find anyone that matches with their father and grand father. Closing my eyes, I try to relax in his hold as I wasn't used to this affection.


"Morning." Passing by Romeo I walked next to D'Angelo as we walked down the stair and into the audi that was parked in the middle. Getting inside of the vehicle I pull out my laptop from my case and placed it on my lap as I put in the password. As D'Angelo drove us to the destination I began to wonder as to why this person wanted to steal D'Angelo's hairloom of the family. I heard Mr. Ackroyd and Mr. Wilson talking about them becoming rich. Their getting something out of this. The necklace, the documents, and mia were taken along with the husband but what do they have in common? My father kept them hidden, they were precious to him, they held a secret that only us Wolfs can read. The necklace was very important to the family which anyone can sell and get a lot of cash from it. Mia on the other hand doesn't have worth. She is loved by the family unless she holds a secret like the items.
The killing of my parents don't make sense, if they stole the documents there was no reason unless they knew something. I'm getting a headache just trying to figure this out.

'Secrets.' Was all I could think. Everything that has happen is involved with secrets. The problem is how is Mia a secret? Pregnancy wasn't hidden, Mia wasn't hidden... Unless she could be someone else's child, someone from that mafia but his sister wouldn't betray her family like that.

Arriving at our destination I raised an eyebrow. The location we arrived to was a lake, an abandon one. Turning the vehicle off we both get out, leaving the laptop behind as we walked towards the water.

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