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"You will leave this house now, I don't know who you are anymore but you certainly aren't from this household..." Poking my head inside of daddy's office I observe as a young man was standing there, facing him. I've never seen him before, but from the looks of my father he knew him very well.

"I'll leave, you won't ever see my face again, but do this, tell her I exist." I wonder what that man was talking about? Hearing my mommy coming down the hallway I panic, quickly hiding behind a big plant in the corner of the hallway.


Arriving at my family's house in California I unbuckled my seatbelt, tipping the taxi driver as I exited the vehicle. Once the taxi driver left I began to walk since I know my father wants a surprise attack even though I was told arrive by a certain day and time.

What happened yesterday shall not be repeated nor be discussed. It was very unprofessional of me and from him. I'm working with him, he is my 'boss' for now. Talking about bosses I haven't heard from him... it's strange I guess I'll call him later on the way back to New York.
I was able to convince D'Angelo and be allowed to come here, as soon as I arrive back we're going straight to Italy, I don't know where specifically but back at his birth place.

As soon as the house came into view I stop. I immediately notice that the front door was wide open... My parents would never do that, the front door would always be locked or closed for security measures. Walking towards the open door I realized that they didn't leave it open but someone forcefully went in. Stepping inside nothing seemed out of the ordinary, nothing seemed touched, moved, or stolen.

Stealthy walking down the hall where the office was located I prepared myself, this is the last time I'll ever see him alive but I have to do it. Placing my ear against the door I hear nothing, again this is strange unless he's napping. My hand wraps around the knob, turning it I push open the door, letting it hit the wall.

I stop in my tracks and stare at the scene in front of me. My father was sitting there, behind his desk with a bullet in the middle of his head, blood dried up on his face, desk, floor, and windows. My dead mother on the floor, a bullet behind her head, dried up blood as well. I should feel something but I don't... Just slight anger.

This must have happened moments after the call...

"Блядь" (Fuck) I run my hand through my hair. Walking towards them and observing the bullet wounds; My mother was possibly shot from the doorway and my father was shot in close range due to not much blood splatter.

There's nothing I can do, I can either call the cops and say that my family was murdered or burry them on my own but taking into consideration that they 'exist' and the government somewhat knows they are alive I have to call it in...

Getting out my burner phone I call the cops. Telling them in a sobbing voice that I came to visit my family after a trip from New York and found them dead. Within 7 minutes officers, detectives, and forensic scientists showed up at the house. As they were examining the body's and taking pictures I was pulled over to the side by an officer, I was waiting to speak to a detective. Whoever did it can't be found unless they dug deep deep... I will find them and I will punish them.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Turning my head over to whoever called I knew it was a detective, ready to question me and stuff. He was a tall man, looks to be in his late thirties to early forties. His hair had a mixture of jet black with slight gray hairs, it looked good since he had somewhat long hair. His beard was the same, thick and it looks good on him.

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