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"Tsk tsk." I said out loud, plastering a smirk as I circled around Marco, loving the sense he was scared inside but on the outside he was trying to be hard. I'm not allowed to touch him or even lift a finger, that's D'Angelo's job I just have to talk. Marco was strapped down on the wall, all chained up like a prisoner. Wires were connected onto his skin but we won't be using electrocution right now. Old fashion beating. 

When we arrived at the location we found two other guys, managed to kill them since they were not important to us. Mia looked healthy, a little spooked but she was good but Marco on the other hand wasn't good. Nevertheless within two hours me managed to bring him into another location, D'Angelo not wanting to risk them finding him nore us.  

"You think you can outsmart us?" Letting out a chuckle he looked up at D'Angelo, smirking at him.

"I outsmarted him." His ridiculous laugh echoed around the room. From the corner of my eye I noticed D'Angelo's hand slowly forming into a fist, ready to hit him any moment but he knows better than to do that. Shaking my head I tuned my back to him, walking to get a chair. Placing it in front of him backwards I sit backwards on it, my arms resting at the top as I stare into his eyes. Enjoyment, frightful, nervous, regret. The few emotions that could be read.

"Feeling regret?" He turns to look at me, by the look in his eyes he seemed surprised but quickly disappears, putting his hard look as if nothing could phase him. "Regret because of Mia. Regret because of your soon be me wifeAmelia, is now an ex. Regret of betraying a wonderful family. Regret for causing Amelia pain." He soften when Amelia was mentioned, I can tell he loves her but how? Amelia is considered to be enemies for them as well as for her yet he got her pregnant and was about to start a life with her all while being active in his mob. How would that work out at the end. 

"You got close to Amelia to steal information from us..." Turning my head towards D'Angelo I shook my head 'no' at him, he can't see what I can. Maro laughs out dryly as he shook his head at him. Why must you be stupid.

"I Don't like yall- I despise yall... But I love Amelia and Mia, they are my girls no matter what." Spitting out D'Angelo gave him a death glare, not liking his response.

"Kidnapping Mia was love then?" He shook his head at me, explaining to me that he had no other choice to do it due to his boss sending commands. In a way the boss wanted to be discovered by us so he made Marco come out of hiding which is stupid. "I would do anything for them, I love them- Except yall go fuck yourselves." A short laugh escaped from my mouth, finding it funny.

"I'm not one of them so shut it." My murderous look came out, smiling at him as I stood up from the chair. The look I had made Marco Immediately shut up, his hard look completely gone showing his true emotions. Not caring that D'Angelo was next to me and I had rule I reached inside of my bra, taking out a curved dagger I spun it around my finger. Within seconds I had it against his throat, push up against it. He felt the sharmness from the knife, his neck extended as he was afraid I would slice him. 

"Before you leave Your dear Loves I suggest cooperating with us and answer our questions." Diggin it up into his skin he nodded his head like crazy. Using D'Angelo's sister and his niece as leverage will surely get us answers quickly. Ignoring the major death glare from D'Angelo I turned my back at them, ready to leave so D' could do his part. Either way he's dead meat so at the end we succeed. It's a win win. 


"That little stunt you pulled isn't acceptable." Crossing my arms across my chest I stare into his eyes, emotionless like I like them.  I wasn't supported to do that, just talk but if I haven't done that we wouldn't get answers and at the end of the day just wasted our time which I don't have. I wonder if I'm going to be locked up as punishment, I wouldn't mind, I'm used to it.

"But did we get answers?" I questioned him, lifting an eyebrow at him. I felt a small smile appear, deep down I knew he appreciated that little stunt I did.  Soon my smile was gone, not used to doing that. Shaking his head at me he leaned back against his chair as he thought to himself. I didn't said anything, wondering if he got any names that could lead to the boss.

"Sooo who is it?" 

"Bento J. Bianchi." Giving him I nod I was ready to start looking up things to uncover, possibly weaknesses, locations, any information I can get. As I was ready to leave his office his hand stops me, his hand was in the air, telling me stop. Looking at me he then fills me in with information, telling me that he had the chance to look him up, supposedly saying that he was 'Hidden' from the world... Lies.

"Around his mid twenties. Single. Last known location about a year ago In the united states. Not the richest mobster, currently in debts. Ranking around tenth being the worst. Seeking to be number one. Be number one, you know, stupid things." I let out a small groan as the one thing I wanted to do I couldn't... That's my job but he took it. Rolling my eyes at him he looks at me intensely, not liking that I disrespected him. Not wanting to deal with him I got up from the seat, ready to leave him be. 

Feeling his hand grab onto my wrist I snatched it away from him with one swift move. Looking at him I gave him a death glare. "Don't touch me." Letting out a scuff he soon back me up against the wall, my hands being held over my hand as he looked into my eyes, not daring to look away from him. His hand went up to my face, cupping my cheek harshly he made me look at him.
"Like it or not I'm touching you, either like this," He squeezes my cheek harder, soon letting go his hand ran down my chest and stomach towards my area, "Or like this." His lips brushed up against my ear, whispering to me in a seductive way as he slowly caressed my area. 

Keeping eye contact with him I bit my lip, feeling highly sensitive down there. These hormones are making my body act weird, like me wanting to jump on his thick member. Stopping myself from daydreaming further I felt a pool surround my entrance in my underwear... Shit. I want to end this but deep down I didn't I wanted him tonight. 

"Just. Like. That." I whispered to him as I leaned in, my lips connecting onto his, ready to give a nice, steamy kiss. His hold loosened around my wrists, taking this moment my hand slid down to his hand, not wanting to stop I held onto his, encouraging him to continue. As he rubbed me through my pants he stuck his tongue in my mouth as he turned the kiss into a hot makeover session and letting him dominate me... That's a step for me to change. 

Taking in a breather, both of us panting hard D'Angelo didn't waste time. His hands went on my hips, without warning he lifted me up and over his shoulder, being careful with my stomach. 

"Time to take this into the bedroom." Smacking my ass we exited the office, preparing myself for some hot, raw sex. Tonights going to last for a while.. A good while.

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