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"Mommy, i'm afraid of death." I shake in terror as I hide my face. I hate night time, I always get nightmares. Standing in between the door way both of my parents look up from their laptops to give me a disapproving look.

"Death is your friend-"
"- No its not..." Hearing my daddy let out a sigh I released a tear, running down my cheek and onto the blanket I was holding onto tightly.

"Silence. Darkness. Death is nothing to be afraid of but just accept it, just like sleep."

I stare at them with my watery eyes, I don't want my parents to die, they are the only ones I have in this life... Even if they don't approve of me.


Looking down at the freshly made grave I observe both tombstones. The weather was a little chilly for California which is oddly weird since its California. No sun was shining down on the ground, it was covered with a bunch of gray clouds. Pushing my shades up my nose I keep my hands in my pockets. 'Never be afraid.' The one time my mother was somewhat being a mother to me. 'Come here kiddo.' The only time I've ever gotten a hug from my father, the day I came back from the facility.

I only have ten minutes till I leave to go back to Italy, D'Angelo found out a little of what happened, all he knows is that my parents are dead. I was supposed to call the detective when I arrived back to the united states but I only had two hours to do my things.

As soon as I landed I immediately went to my parents neighborhood to get the security camera footage that was around the area where the suspect ran. I also got the chance to break into the house to investigate more since the detectives wouldn't have gotten any clues like the computer. As soon as I get back to Italy I'll be able to get a little bit more of information about this.

The grass isn't dry at all but I could hear the grass slightly crunch, someone was heading towards me... My parents really didn't socialize with anyone except with each other as well as whoever they worked with. Hearing the footsteps coming closer I turn around only to give a slightly mad look. Why is the detective here? Most importantly is how did he know I was here.

"You aren't allowed to be here." Turning my back towards him I stare at the headstones, reading my parents names in my head and looking at their birth dates... Up until now I found out when they were born and when they should have celebrated their birthdays.

"I'm allowed..." Turning my attention towards him I give him a stern look, he cant play with me at all, this is private property, in this cemetery only assassins have been buried so the fact a detective that works with the cops is in here is a major no no. If you arn't family you'll be sent to death here in this area.

"Look this is one funny way of solving this case but I highly suggest getting out before you die."

"They are my parents."

I stare at him with rage, he claims to be a missing son to my parents, a missing sibling. Never in my life have my somewhat parents told me I had a sibling, nor a lost sibling. He is dead meat...

"The reason why I called you a couple of days ago was to discuss this to you... sister-"

"Don't you dare call me that..." On either side my hands balled up into a fist ready to knock out this son of a bitch onto the ground and put him into a casket. You can't make such claims. Even if he was my brother I would have figured it out a long time ago, I did a big background check on my parents and family that went up the family tree as a learning process in the beginning of my training. Nothing came up with another sibling, I'm the only one that has the pure Wolf's blood.

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