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As I stared at myself in the mirror my eyes wandered down to my neck. My hand reaches up to my neck and I slightly trace around where his hand was around my neck.

'Are you fucking serious...' I may have not seen his hand wrapped around my neck but I could just imagine it. Last night's events kept on repeating over and over again in my head, I couldn't fall asleep last night. I believe the term normal people use is shock, I'm in shock... I believe. Someone was able to lay a finger - correction lay a hand on me, around my neck...

Last night I couldn't do anything due to the fact I was in 'shock' yet luckily I didn't show that I was. The way he was squeezing my neck I could tell he wanted to end my life but he didn't. I'm not worried about dying at the moment, I'm worried that I'm starting to become weak... In all my life I've never had anyone touch me.

"You will be the strongest."
"No one can lay a finger on you."

Throwing a punch at the mirror it shaders into pieces as my fist collided with the glass. Dropping down onto the counter and floor in the bathroom it echos, shattering into even smaller pieces creating a bigger mess.

"Anyone that touches you dies..."
I'm a failure.

Hearing my temporary phone ring in the background I ignored it knowing damn well it was my 'Boss' calling me. I know that as soon as I answer him I would be receiving major attitude but if I didn't answer him I would be payed a visit from him, oh well.

After what happened last night I decided to leave the room that mafia man rented out for me. I wanted my own place where I knew I wasn't being recorded nor heard, I know some of his men came into my room during the meeting. Does he think i'm that stupid?

Hearing the phone stop ringing I looked down at my hand to see blood slowly dripping out of the cuts that were made, seeing my knuckles red made me examen them, checking if there was small pieces of glass in my wounds. As I confirmed that I didn't have any I heard my phone let out a small ding, someone sent me a text... It's not my boss.

Exiting the bathroom I walked over to the night stand in the bedroom. Grabbing the phone I turn it on only to see a short text. Return now . I immediately let out an annoyed sound, throwing my phone at the wall hoping it would brake but apparently this one time it didn't. I'm annoyed at the fact that he's telling me what to do but i'm suddenly pissed, wondering how he got this new number since I literally just got this phone number. Putting on a decent outfit, wrapping my hand up, and placing my shades on I head out to see his royal bitchiness.


In a girly tone I said "Yes may I help you ma'am." to the Italian man, D'Angelo. I mentally smirk in satisfaction to see his look change since I must have hit a nerve, oop not sorry. As I sit down on the chair he stood up, both of his hand slammed down onto the table causing a huge noise. He leaned forward and looked at me, not bothering to change my fake smile. Do you think I really want to do this? My boss practice told me I had to do it.

There's times where I want to go solo but the thing is I wouldn't have as many 'exciting' missions to do unless I found the right person to work with.

"ENOUGH WITH THE DISRESPECT!" My fake smile was soon gone, returned to my normal look. I didn't like his tone one bit nor the fact he demands me to respect him. If I were to do that he would have to earn it. Him being a mafia man doesn't mean shit dude, it's not an automatic card to respect you.

"I'm tired of your behavior. I've had enough of you not dressing to the specific dress code that you're supposed to follow. I've had just about it shadow..." I raised my right eyebrow slightly at the end. Hearing him calling me shadow got me curious as to why that name?

letting out a snort he stood upright, his hands retreating back from the table and into his slack's pockets as his head turned to the left as he looked out at the window. 'He was angry' I told myself. I took a few seconds to admire his sharp jaw line as he looked out the window. His features so sharp like my dagger...

"Before I tell you the plan I'm going to tell you this, Starting today you must dress to the dress code i've told you meaning you must remove those shades -"


He turns his head towards me, his look was something else, dead serious I could say but I can't follow that rule, no shades equals you die.

"If these shades ever come off, whoever sees my eyes is automatically dead."

"Like I said shades come off. Now."

"Make me."

Within seconds me and D'Angelo were throwing fists at each other, each one of us missing and doggin each others attacks but quickly ended when he put me in a headlock, one arm around my neck while the other hand held both of my hands behind my back not allowing me to get out of this.

As I struggle to get out of his hold he tightens his grip on me, feeling his breath next on my neck. Getting an idea my head moved forward and with all the strength I let my head go back, trying to hit his head.

"Take them off..."

"You'll die!"

As soon as I told him that he roughly lets me go, luckily I didn't fall down on the ground rather stumbled slightly. Turning myself to face him I gave him a murderous look, Im pissed at myself mainly, this is the second time this happens where no one should be able to even set a damn finger on me...

"I'm giving you 5 hours to go find some type of contacts that will contain whatever you want to hide so badly, if not i'm personally ripping those shades off your face..." Fucking hell contacts cant hide my color at all.... What am I supposed to do now? Now that I think about it if he sees my color I wouldn't be able to kill him, if I can't even get a hit on him I wouldn't be able to even stab him nor slice his neck up.

After a bit he discussed that I would meet up with him here at around 9 p.m. with all the belongings I brought with me and would be staying with him which I disliked and disagreed with but never the less I was forced to comply. I didn't want to stay with his ass but I had no other choice. He discussed that if I pulled another plan like the one from last night where I didnt stay at the room he got me I would be punished which got me thinking what kind of punishment? Nothing sexual hopefully cause that's where I will murder him no matter the cost...

"Do you know the very reason why you're here?" I shake my head. All I know is that i'm being forced to be here and now thinking about it I smell something a little fishy about this. I'm out doing exciting things, stabbing people, shooting them, you know the fun things and now i'm sitting not killing anyone at all.

"Someone stole something very valuable to me and my family, a necklace thats been pass down from generations. You may think this is stupid and it's just a necklace but in that necklace there's a small flash drive with important documents, records of all the sales and building we bought which 99% of those aren't legal buildings. Adding to the fact that in that drive contains all the sales of any contraband we sold previously, illegal weapons and explosives but most importantly in that drive it contains all of our net worth." It may not look like that i'm surprised but inside I was sorta blown away. Who knew a small necklace could carry such massive information.

"And I'm here to retrieve this necklace?" He shakes his head 'No'. He turns his back to me and walks over to the window, looking out as if he was thinking.

"You are here to help me figure out who took it, why they took it, and how they know. You may not be a good fighter." Okay this bitch really just triggered me. How dare he call me a bad fighter like what the fuck i'm number one I can beat up anyone other then him... " But you have brains like me, the level of stealth as me, and lets just you'll be very helpful."

I roll my eyes at him, my arms crossed over my chest. I was annoyed at the fact he basically told me I wouldn't be fighting anyone nor killing someone. I'm good at what at do and I can't figure out why I can't beat him up. The thing thats bothering me is that i'm pretty sure he can do this by himself, he's known to be very intelligent but yet im here to help?

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