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My morning run always consisted of me waking up around four in the morning and continue till ten in the morning to keep my stamina high. Each time I ran I would improved more. During the six hour run I would stop about three times to take a twenty minute break which didn't mean I sat down and rested within those twenty. I prefer to do other workouts which were jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges, squats, and etc.

As I finished up my third resting point I turn my head, letting my neck pop. The irritation and stiffness disappeared which was pleasing. Running up the hill and continuing downwards I passed by some women that were walking, doing their 'early exercises'. Passing by the expensive houses I continued to run, panting slightly as I felt myself getting slightly tired.... That's just sad, I have to improve! Staring ahead of me I continued to focus, trying to calm my heart down as I continued to run, I need to improve this - my stamina. If I were to get into some situation that would make me fight or run for six hours or so I had to eliminate feeling tired.


'You should die weakling!'

'You don't belong here weakling!'

Feeling the anger rising to the surface I pushed myself, they could see what this weakling has become. That little bit of tiredness I felt was completely gone, replaced by determination with slight anger, I need to improve.


"Yes.... I understand." Hearing to other end go dead I shut the phone, throw it on the floor and stomped on it. I don't risk getting traced so I buy flip burner phones since they aren't that expensive and when the time comes I destroy them. If i'm number one I'm going to stay number one.

Letting out an annoyed sound I jog up the stairs and into the 'my' room, getting out a duffel bag I began to take out the clothes I had with me and and through them in... I have to go.

I hate getting calls from my boss, telling me what I had to fucking do. I take my own assignment and choose whether I want to do them and are worth my time. The assignment he assigned me isn't worth my time, I love some action.... I hate working with anyone in the mob business, it's not my cup of tea I would say. I'm a lone wolf meaning I do things on my own with no one's help nor I ask anyone for help. What's funny to me is that i'm a Wolf, maybe within my last name it means that I'm alone.... That's a good thing I guess.

As I put on my shades I zipped up the duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder, jogging down the stairs. Closing the front door I left the key underneath the mat where I told the manager from this place where I would put it. Seeing the yellow taxi cab waiting for me I jogged towards it, getting in I was hit with a strong smell of cigarettes... Disgusting.

Task one, buy a new phone. Second task kill my 'boss'.... One day he will die and I wouldn't care.

Stopping at a electronic store I bought myself a 50 dollar burner phone as well a chocolate bar and water. Getting back in the taxi I headed towards the airport. Destination, New York city. As hours flew by I finally arrived at the airport. Not giving a taxi driver a tip I slammed the door shut. swinging my duffel bag over my shoulder I walked in and went to the front desk. After telling them my fake name they gave me my paid ticket.


"Hate this already..." Letting out long sigh I unlock my room. I'm damn sure my boss didn't pay for this shit due to the fact he doesn't like spending much so who payed for this - oh hell no it better not be that guy....

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