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"Why don't you and mommy love me?"

Looking down at me I immediately regretted what I asked. Daddy's eyes turned pitch black as if I caused something bad to happen but all I wanted to know was why they didn't show me love unlike my friends parents?

"Get out..." His gruff tone made me shake from fear... When daddy used that tone with me I had to act fast before I receive a beating.... Running out of his office I ran up the stairs, sobbing out loud as I reached my room and locked the door....


"Hello.... Father." Pushing my shades up I gave him a light nod only for him to return the gesture. Once a month I'll visit my family just to see if their asses were alive.

As a little girl I didn't understand how respected the Wolf name was around the world. Highly respected and feared..... Almost like if we were a mob. People knew about our last name but never seen us and it will stay like that before someone dies. Pretty much our identities have been erased from any sort of documents, making it seem as if we don't exist - Well me technically. If anyone was trying to look for my existence it would be impossible to find. My parents somewhat still have documents saying they are alive but that's it. I had to 'Disappear' for the sake of myself, for who I was. I'm more important than the past Wolfs.... I'm very much more skilled, filled with knowledge, as well as stealth... Unlike my parents.

"I have to discuss an important issue with you." Looking up from his desk I give my usual cold look. The way he was looking at me reminded me of the time where he wes discussing my future... Odd to see some sort of small spark in his eye.... Weakling...

"If its about my future then forget about it." Blowing out a breath of annoyance I rolled my eyes at him. His expression changed into anger which I didn't care. I was being very disrespectful with what I just did but do I care? Nope... I could kill him with a snap of a finger since its simple but he is my 'Family' so I won't..... It sucks.

"Sit the fuck down...."

"Now why would I?"

He may not have any emotions but the ones that were left behind were frustration and anger so he can cause furthermore destruction. Same goes for my mother but the thing is that they are weaklings while i'm different.

"If you don't I'll choose who gets to marries you..." Turning my head slightly I give him one of my crazy smiles which I know deep down scares him..... How do I know? Maybe because I observe his body movement/language when I talk to him.... His eyes tell me that deep down hidden somewhere there was a slight fear he had towards me.

"If you do that I'll have to kill you." Turning my back at him I walked towards the open double doors, ready to leave this damn house. Every time I come here he always wants to discuss my fucking future which is annoying. I'm not old but i'm not 'young' either... But I do have a short lifespan due to what I am and anyone that's in a high rank then me could kill me if they know who I am and where I am.... So far i'm the number one assassin in the whole world.

I came into an immediate halt as I just stare at the wall in front of me. What I heard wasn't surprising nore startling more like I knew one day they would possibly say it. If any 'Normal' teenager or adult heard their parents say this to them they would freak out, faint, or start getting emotional.

'Then kill me...' This small sentence made me think real hard. The assassin world is sorta weird for my family specifically. If your child held much power your parents would offer their self to their child.... As a target which meant they would die. Many parents that had strong children that made it to a very high level would do it and they wouldn't be sad - rather be proud that they raised a strong heir to carry on their family tree.

Not bothering to look back I left his office, walking towards the front door and left. I didn't want to deal him.... I'm basically fucked now.... My own father told me to just kill him.... I can't do anything.... I have to. If a parent tells this and the child doesn't do it the child would die instead but as well as their whole family meaning no one would be left behind.....

California summer was something else, there wasn't any wind but it was beaming.... Not as much as Texas but eh it was almost there. The sun was beaming down at me hard due to me deciding to wear black clothing rather then something light.... It's not my style really.

Getting into the Cadillac that the 'Boss' sent me I pulled a laptop that was underneath the seat and opened it. On the way to the airport I decided to do some research on a couple of assignments I was to do in the future and before I actually did them I liked to do some research so I know what i'm getting into... That's one of the reasons why i'm number one.

As time flew by I felt the car coming to a halt. Closing the laptop I placed it underneath the seat, not needing it since it wasn't my personal one. Opening the door I got out, closing it behind me. Seeing the black jet up and ready I walked towards the stairs, climbing up them and went inside.

Letting out a yawn I decide to head towards the queen bed that was in the back of the jet. Walking through I set myself down onto the bed, tired from the other day of being in this stupid jet....

As I felt the jet begin to lift up from the ground I placed my hands behind my head as I looked at the ceiling. My thoughts going back to that one sentence... I'm not upset or worried but rather just confused with the system. I get that i'm powerful but why do you have to kill your parents if they tell you... It's dumb!


Hearing the bell ring as I entered the gun shop the guys behind the counters turned their attention towards me. Their eyes held curiosity and lust. When does a woman ever come into a gun shop and actually buy stuff? Me.

"Do you have any ammo for a Ruger SR-Series gun?" I asked the guy as I looked down at the glass showcase filled with beautiful knives, each one being unique but at the same time they don't look like the type to kill someone immediately. As one of the guys went to the back I continue to look around, once in a while pushing my shades up so no one could see my eyes. "What is a babe like you doing in a gun shop?"

Lifting my head slightly I turned my head, looking at him. He was turned on. I looked forward, continuing to look at the hand guns that were on display as well as accessories and other kinds of silencers cause a bitch wants to create minimal sound and respect others around her.

"Machen sie sich deswegen keine sorgen." Hearing the other guy coming from the back I turned around and headed to the area where he attended me. Seeing him coming back with a huge crate I looked at it, smirking to myself..... He knows that i'm not playing around.

Knowing that it was going to come up expensive I pulled out my card, giving it to him as I let him do his job. Giving me my card back I placed it in my back pocket of my jeans and reached out to grab the box. Carrying the crate out I could practically hear that guy over react... He was expecting me to drop the crate, thats funny.

Reaching to the doors I stop, not bothering to turn back to look at him I say, "Don't worry about it." I knew he was still trying to figure out what I said to him earlier and now that I told him he thinks i'm going to murder someone....

Walking out of the shop I lifted my leg up, letting the box rest on it as I opened the trunk of the car. Placing the crate inside the car I shut the back door and walked over to the drivers side, getting in an sped away to my next location.

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