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"Welcome back." Looking into her eyes I stare. What was I supposed to feel? Happy? Looking over at my dad he gave me a nod.

I spent years in the facility for what? For them to love me? No. I learned that I was there for myself and surpass them and I have. That little girl I was at the beginning was gone forever.

"You truly are a Wolf now daughter."


Lifting myself up from the bed, I looked at the door, staring at it as thoughts - memories ran in my head. I remember the day I arrived back home from the facility where my parents went for their training to be assassin. I remember as a child I never wanted to go because I wanted to be around my parents and grow up normal, have emotions. As I grew up I realized that my parents didn't love me, heck they didn't even love each other. I thought that the only way they could possibly love me was if I went through with it, go to the facility and become one of them.

The love I wanted so badly from them disappeared within weeks. I was taught not to love, not to feel love. I had removed every single bit of my emotions except anger. They left it behind so I could continue on with whatever task was given to me. As years went by I was taught to fight by myself, to kill by myself, to never team up basically. They saw my worth within the year I was in so I was forced to stay there for years. During those years I was torchered, experimented on, mentally challenged, and taught how to be calm no matter what situation I was in.

Since I was sent to Russia to be taught only by the best I picked up the language and learned how to fluently speak and write it. When I got back home It was difficult to lose the russian accent and gain my american one.

It's been a week since I've been staying with D'Angelo. During the time I have been training, running, fighting, and firing weapons to practice. I can't get over the fact that I wont be allowed to kill anyone nor hurt anyone so I'm going hard on myself due to the fact I can't get a single hit on him... I'm mad at myself, I've turned into a weakling and I hate it. I went for 11 years only to get weak within 6 years, this is bull shit. I'm not letting anything get in my way to get stronger.

Hearing my flip phone ringing I let out a tired sigh, reaching over I answered it.

"Кто это. Как ты получил этот номер ?!" (Who is this. How did you get this number?!)

"Следуй правилам ... Дочь." (Follow the rules... Daughter.)

Not even a second later he hung up on me causing me to throw my phone full force straight ahead of me, shattering as it hit the door. A groan left from my mouth as I just let myself fall back on the bed, slightly annoyed at the reminder but what can I do? I can't do anything but follow the rules, if I don't there will be consequences and I don't want to find out. Блядь .

Getting up from my bed I walked over to my closet, opening the doors I just stood there, looking at the options I had. Within this week with this scumbag he bought me clothes, clothes that I would never wear. He wanted me dressed all the time, no matter where we were , time or weather. If i'm going to be seen with him I have to look my 'best'.

Taking out a hanger out of the rack I removed the blue and white striped jumpsuit and placed the hanger back, getting out some dark colored sandals I closed the closet doors. Setting them onto the bed I walked towards the small bathroom I had and brushed my teeth. I then began my makeup which consisted of eyebrows, concealer, lashes, highlight, and clear gloss. Getting closer to the mirror on the wall I carefully put on my big hoop earrings as well as necklace and bracelets. Grabbing my colored contacts container I opened them up, washing my hands before hand I picked one up and placed it onto my eyes, following the next. Letting myself blink I felt them going into place. I'm lucky that these contact lenses didn't show my true eye color behind it, they hid them very well which means no one dies over these babies.

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