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Reaching up to my neck I traced the jewels embedded into the necklace one last time, who knew many secreted could be hidden in the beautiful piece. It took us time to get it back, made sure everything was in it and was untouched by that fool. I let out a chuckle as I take it off of my neck, only for a year I could wear it, a year of being married to D'Angelo. I shake my head slightly of the memory of us arguing about my last name being changed to his. In order to produce the next heir of the wolfs I would have to keep my last name, I couldn't change it.

Locking it inside the bullet proof box I clicked on the pincode, setting the security onto 'on' just in case if anyone decided to get this baby out. This time we took precausing with the room, making sure that there wasn't any window, heck even a regular door. Instead of a wooden one or a room we made an underground secured room for just this necklace. The security was madly increased, different types and sizes.

Just two years ago we quickly ended the war with the Vanishing mob, they have vanished into thin air, no one knowing what truly happen to them. After killing the last of the Bianchi's we made sure to look for every single mobster that was part of the mob, killing every single one and luckily no heir was produced. I internally laugh at D'Angelos expression when he saw me getting shot, he was beyond pissed, going into a killing spree with the Vanishing mob, giving no mercy. While he went crazy I managed to ignore the pain and help my brother up, getting us out of the building. 

After the whole situation D'Angelo soon realized he should be angry with me, disobeying the plan he created. If we never went in I wouldn't have been shot and put the baby's life in danger but at that very moment I wasn't thinking like a mother, just an assassin being hired for a job- to complete it. Either way I had to learn my lesson, I couldn't do it anymore to put them in harm. Instead of me being locked in a dark room and get water every few days and no food my punishment was to be locked in our room and read all about pregnancy. I chuckle as the memory came in.

"Out of all the things you could have done you are making me do this? Do you understand how cruel this is?!" I scuff out, crossing my hands over my chest as I gave him a death glare, ready to fight back. He shakes his head at me disapprovingly.

"Cruel for you. Peaceful for our children." Reaching underneath his desk he pulls out a fat stack of books and CD's, placing them on top he looked up at me, smirking as I internally killed him. "Get to work tesoro."

Who knew I would be thanking him for that punishment? Without reading I wouldn't know what to do with my two devils I dearly love, Angelo D. Florentino and Miciela Florentino Wolf. We were both surprised to find out I would be having a boy and a girl. From that day we told each other that we would name our child, meaning D'Angelo named his boy while I named my girl. It sounds childish but in order to continue our family legacy we have to raise our children to continue on the family's name and worth.

Locking the door behind me I walked up the stairs, each step building confidence. I was no longer working for my dead ex boss Hunter nor the corporation for the assassins but I was working on my own and man who knew jobs would be so intense and so entertaining? I won't know my rank but rumor has it that I'm still number one after all this time, best of the best. I smirk, satisfied with who I am, how I've gotten here, and who I have next to my side. I can still be me while I also still have part of this family along with ours.

Shutting the door I walked through the hallway, passing by Romeo as he walked up the stairs in a hurry to go talk to D'Angelo. Turning my head to side, seeing inside the living room I noticed the two lovely devils playing with each other along with Romeo's two year old son. D'Angelo was watching them from upstairs through the camera that he installed so he could be working as well. Smiling at them I went up the stairs, heading to D'Angelos office to inform him that I would be leaving. Knocking against the door I heard him replied 'come in'. Shutting the door closed I smiled at him as I walked towards him, his eyes always made me happy, the color always made me happy. Leaning over the desk I place a soft kiss against his lips.

"I won't be back till tomorrow morning, take care of them okay." I told him. A smirk appeared on his face, getting up from his seat he walked around the desk and stood in front of me, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Quicky?" Wrapping his arms around my waist he brought me in, making me shake my head at him as I saw lust forming in his eyes... I would never get tired of it. Closing my eyes I let out  a chuckle, shaking my head at him I placed my hands against his chest. Opening my eyes I removed all of my emotions, soon D'Angelo did as well. We both looked at eachother, eye to eye as we both waited. Within seconds his hand wrapped around my throat, forcing me to look at him.

"We are not having another one today." I placed my hand over his, soon we both just smirked at each other, kissing as we let eachother go. Smacking my ass I gave him a reassuring nod before I left. To me I was already late, I had to prepare before the sun set.

Exiting the mansion I walked towards the car, preparing myself as another mission is assigned to me, ready to complete it. Getting inside the car I nod, signaling my designated driver to go. While we were heading three hours away from here I stared outside the window, passing by a forest. I have finally found it. Happyness. Love. Family. I was taught different- to be the best. I was taught that I didn't need anyone. That I didn't need emotions. After two years I finally understand it. You can have emotions. Family. Support. The things that they were wrong about makes me stronger, stronger than before. I got support from D'Angelo. I made a family with D'Angelo. I will be a role model for my children.

'In a difficult life I found love- Difficult love thats for sure.' Internally smiling at myself I pull out a laptop, ready to start this job and ready to continue to be the best for everyone, specifically my family.

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