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 "You sure about this?" I asked him as I helped install the hidden cameras in the room. If we get caught we seriously gotten ourselves in a big hole... Technically we already in the hole with the rest of these fools but there's nothing we can do now.

"You're already doing it, It's too late to go back." He says as he helps me down the latter. Looking at the four corners of the room I looked at him, giving him a understanding nod, no going back now, we have to see if it is him, if he really is the one behind it all...


Two hours before everything happened...

 As me and D'Angelo waited for the results from the laboratory from down below we sat in silence. We were both looking at the white board that was against the wall. On the whiteboard there were picture's and line's connecting to who knew who which leads to our suspicion that their involved in this mess with us. The pictures were placed in a pyramid way, on the very top we don't have a picture its empty which represents the boss of this whole thing, the brain of the plan. On the bottom sat Mr. Ackroyd, Mr. Williams, Mr. Wilson aka Ronald, Sergio- The friend that helped with the blood, and last but not least a dead club owner back from New York named Fernando. I don't know who Fernando was but D'Angelo explain that he was a club owner that D'Angelo owned and did businesses there, apparently Fernando called another mob in on them and tried to kill him but at the end Fernando and the other guys- the ones that I had to shoot and killed were the only one's dead. 

Who would have known that D'Angelo was in that club while I was in there too, he was the one I felt from above staring at me...

"Mr. Ackroyd is connected to Mr. Wilson due to their jobs which we don't know." I Stated as I looked at both of their documents, what I hate about this is that a lot of the things that usually show up arn't there, useful information wasn't there... Its like if someone was trying to erase anything they did or are doing. "Mr. Williams associated with Mr. Ackroyd for drugs which explains how skinny and drained he was." That day Dante brought him in for questioning made me questioned myself a lot. He was obviously beaten and kept but starved wasn't it since his stomach wasn't growling but he wasn't hungry, he was going from withdraw though.

"Turns out Sergio owed Mr. Ackroyd something so he placed the blood but at the end got shot." Looking at him I nod at him, agreeing with him, at the moment that's all we know. I'm thinking that since Mr. Ackroyd knows a lot of big people and he's been doing a lot more than the rest of them he probably knows the boss and is taking commands from him.

"This doesn't make sense..." I said to myself as I looked at the screen, it reloaded by itself and most of the information I gotten was gone... Someone is erasing important stuff on this only few have access to. Feeling D'Angelo's eyes on me I looked up, I was mad at this.

"None of these guys have the brains to do this shit!" 

"What do you mean-"

"- Almost everything was deleted.... They have someone else working for them from another job..." Having a murderous look I slammed the laptop closed, setting it on the couch I walked over to D'Angelo's computer and went to the web I used to access it. After a couple of minutes of finding it, getting access to it I slam my fist down on the table... It wasn't just my computer but in-general. The semi- important information that was listed there, good information that helped us understand who knew who and how was completely gone, not from a bug but something else...

"Everyone that's up that board doesn't have brains, it could be someone else from another mob but its not likely that they could do this..." Turning the screen slightly to the side as D"Angelo went to my side to see. "The only people I know that are using these website are assassins, high ranks to be specific." 

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