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As days passed by I gotten angry with myself. No job has been this difficult. Tracking people was easy, killing was easy, but finding mobsters was hard? Shaking my head at myself I throw the burner phone on the bed, my brother couldn't find information for me but told me that he will get back if a single drop of info was given. Closing the computer I let out a frustrated sigh. Running my hand through my long hair I get up from the bed. Noticing that it was dark outside I realized that I've been at it for around twentie hours. 

Feeling my throat dry and an appetite forming I exit our room, closing the door behind me I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Arriving the first thing I do is get a cup and filled it up with cold water. Drinking it all down I felt better, ready to continue my research unless I'm told otherwise to stop. Opening the pantry I looked through it, deciding to just eat cereal for tonight. Getting out a bowel with a spoon and milk I dump in the cereal first then the milk. Stirring it with the spoon I take it over to the small dinner table that was in the kitchen. Sitting down I began to eat way.

'Think, would Marco be part of this. Turn out to be the son of Amato Bianchi and the currant mobster of the vanishing mob?' I shook my head at myself, wanting to hit myself from the stupidity. No way he could be, I know for sure D' did a background check on him before he was going to marry his sister... But what happens if were looking at it wrong, that we're looking in the wrong place? 
Hearing someone coming into the kitchen I looked up, seeing Romeo enter with black sweats with a tight white shirt. Ignoring his presence I continued to munch away. As the days passed I slowly began to change, physically and mentaly. I hate it.

"You should be sleeping miss." 

"Likewise." Getting up from the seat I take my dirty dishes to the dishwasher. As I clean them I could hear Romeo looking through the top cabinets as he looked for some type of late snack to munch before heading to bed.

"Unlike you I don't have to sleep." Hearing him let out a small chuckle I turned around to look at him. I raised an eyebrow at him as I crossed my arms against my chest, leaning back on the counter. I can sleep whenever I want, I'm no child I can make my own decisions when I can and can't. I scuff out, turning around to dry the dishes I replied, "Unlike you I'm my own boss." As I'm exiting the kitchen from the corner of my eye I saw Romeo shake his head slightly, a small smile appearing on his face. 


As his hands brushed against my cheek softly, caressing me in my sleep I slowly opened my eyes to see him. The morning view I get everyday makes me... Happy. As the days went by I slowly started to open up my feeling for D'Angelo. I took his advice, It's okay to show emotion once in a while, only when it's appropriate. I haven't told D' about my eyes just yet nore shown my eyes at him, I'm not ready to do that. I've told myself that eventually I'll have to tell him, I hate wearing my contacts since there's major risk of losing and hurting my eye vision. 

His face moved in closer to mine, leaning in he places a soft kiss against my forehead as he was ready to start a new day. Getting up from the bed he went to go get dressed, ready to go out and discuss something with his father and sort out other things that involved with him. The only thing I had to do was try something new, anything to unmask and discover new information that was failed to be given. As he left the room I stood up and went to change my sleepwear. Striping out I looked down at my stomach I noticed that it was no longer flat, but  a small little bump could be seen forming... Twins. putting on a sports bra and leggings I went my way to the bathroom, looking at myself I took out my contacts, knowing no one would come in to bother me. After I brushed my teeth and placed shades on I went over to a small desk that was against the wall,

Pulling out the seat I sit down, pushing myself in as I typed in a password. Another day. Frustration could be felt as it surfaced. I need a blood sample from Marco, Usually it will help finding out who people are related and other samples of DNA but I just need blood. 
The thing is if I am looking at it at a different angle I have to flip it but how. He may not be on these systems but could be on others but where? I got police data and FBI data but he doesn't turn up anywhere in them... 

'Im stupid...' I let out a curse word, I am looking at it wrong, especially in the wrong system. Im looking at the U.S. system, sure a lot of people like Dante showed up there because he also got involved with the U.S., The mafia's son didn't show up in the special system because the U.S. never got ahold of him because he was stealthy and was never caught along with the fact that his documents were hidden somewhere so they never went after him. Now think how can I access into italy's system? I have no connections and my dear sibling is having his own problems.

Resting my hand against my head I typed in possible places that could contain this type of information but be easily hacked into. As I continued to scroll through and read my mind drifted to our agreement. I won't be able to be in the action once I get a belly, the thing is that having twins makes the belly appear faster... Around the first trimester. I need to discuss this with him, i'm not liking this agreement anymore or maybe I could hide it... It might not work but it's better then nothing. As hours passed by I began to get bored, thinking that I wouldn't be able to hack into anything but I was wrong.

Somehow I found a very hidden system database... Clearly whoever was trying to hide this wasn't good because I found it. Disconnecting a few things, putting in codes and typing I managed to get in. I was surprised to see a bunch of names popping up. Sections of citizens, criminals; Robberies to murders all the way to possible and confirmed mafias in Italy. They have to keep up with who's running and whos not, its crucial information. Not knowing Marcos full name I just typed in the Vanishing mob, hoping something would pop up. I wasn't surprised to see the leaders name unoccupied since again he's currently in hiding but I made it my mission to find Marco in this system. Along with having mobsters here they also had members of mobs listed here.

Bingo. Clicking on his name I made sure it was him, containing a photo I looked closer, seeing a resemblance to Mia when I met her. He has to be the one. Copying the documents that were underneath his name along with the photo I take them, exiting out of the system I put them in a folder. The sooner D'Angelo gets back the faster we can get answers. Marcos may not be the leader of the mob but he knows things that will surely help piece the puzzle pieces to this. Why would they need money? What is their plan?

As hours passed I made sure to put on a semi lose shirt so D'Angelo wouldn't notice the little bump forming. This is unfair for me. As soon as he notices it i'm out, I can't do anything and I won't be useful for anything. Laying back down on the bed I let my hand lift up the shirt, leaving my skin showing. Resting my hands against my stomach I slowly traced, not realizing I was doing it. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs I knew it was either D'Angelo or Romeo that was checking up on me. By the sound of the steps it was D'Angelo. 

Opening the door I immediately smelled his sent... That's weird. Not bothering sitting up I stayed, my hands retreating from my stomach and pulling down the shirt to cover it. As the door closed he asked me why I had my shades on. Ignoring his questioned I told him there was a folder on the desk. Hearing him open the folder and a hum I asked him if that was marco, only to respond with a yes.

"Good news is that Mia, your niece won't be a mobster." Sitting up he looked at me with his emotionless eyes. "Bad news is that Marco is part of the Vanishing mob." Tossing the folder back on the desk he walked towards me, each step taken I felt butterflies forming in my stomach, The look he had made me want him. He looked hot. Slipping out of his dress shoes he laid down on the bed next to me. 

"I was able to locate his location along with Mia in a runned down apartment." Feeling his hand moved towards my stomach I immediately knew I was no longer going to be part of this. As he felt the small bump he turned to look at me, feeling his eyes observing me I looked at him, giving him a blank look.

"Three months." Giving him a sharp nod he continued to caresse the little bump, feeling him relax. I felt myself becoming tired from the action, I hate how easily tired I get but nothing I can do,one of the many things that's changing.

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