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"Please, let me eat!" I cry out as I shake the cage violently. Tears running down my cheek as I felt angry towards myself, how dare I do this- agree to this? I'm desperate for food I would do anything... even murder. I haven't ate for almost three weeks, alI I've gotten was a glass of water each day.

The experiment was how long I could go without food, they wanted to see how my brain would react to this as well as my heart so I was connected with wires that lead to a computer. If I took them off I wouldn't get a glass of water and would get beaten up.


Day eight without food, day two without water. The funny thing is that I wasn't hungry in any way, my stomach wasn't making a single noise. I was slightly thirsty but I could deal with it. Back at the academy I was taught to survive without any food for three weeks, at the end of the third week I would die for obvious reasons but during that time I would feel nothing. During those years they taught me to survive so 'This' punishment that D'Angelo gave me isn't one, rather it's just testing myself if I'm still strong.

I've received a call from my father but I couldn't answer him, I knew why he called me but at this very moment I'm occupied. I can't answer my phone, use electronics nor look out of a window. I was placed inside an empty room, no windows, with a small bed and a blanket in the corner, and a flashlight. I've been here a while that I practically have night vision... It could be the side effects of the tests i've done all those years ago. Staring at the wall, wondering if this will end soon since its a waste of time for me. I have things to do, more important than this.

I have nothing to do, I have time; Time to just sit here and think... I hate it.

Hearing the door being unlocked I paid no attention to it, knowing I would be getting my water for the day. Sometimes I just want to attack whoever is bringing me my water but I know better, I have this mindset if I dared do it I would get punished again.

"Get up..." Ignoring the guy that came in I continued to stare into the wall, my thoughts killing me. Flashbacks running in my head as I just sat there, in the dark room. The only light that was shining through the room was from the open door,

"Boss wants to see you." Waiting a few seconds I turned my head slowly towards his direction. I noticed he didn't have my water, where could it be? Not muttering a single word I got up. I just wanted my water but all I got was a idiot. I just started to get comfortable in this room but at least i'll see some sunshine after eight days being in total darkness.

Getting out of the room I followed the guard, going up the stairs and another set. We weren't in D'Angelos penthouse but another location for the meantime. If I haven't done what i've done we would have been in italy 4 days ago.

As the guard knocks on the door I look down at the floor, my thoughts still running. I remember when I was a little girl when I had to do those things, I was frightened I believe. Starving, not being able to drink enough water can drive you insane but it was training, I had to get used to it.

I didn't notice that I walked into the office, without the command of D'Angelo. Feeling the Guard right behind me I knew he was going to knock me out or just throw a warning hit at me. You can't just walk into an office of a mobster, it's considered disrespectful if you go in without their permission but it's also a violation of everyone's safety.

Swiftly ducking down I could feel the slight force of the wind from above me, he was going to knock me out but I know he wouldn't be able to. Without giving it much thought I squat down, my hands on the floor while I let my left leg extended out, Moving outwards while doing a half circle. Within seconds I heard a heavy thud behind me, the guard was down on the floor, I brought him down with one swift move.

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