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"Well aren't you just funny..." Tightening my grip around his neck I gave him a blank look, his body shaking, his hands finding a way to remove my grip from his neck as he slowly losing himself.

His eyes began to get red, choking and cracking noises coming out of his mouth. His feet were kicking violently as he tried to hit me, hurt me in the process but that's not possible. As he started to get weak, his eyes began to slowly close, his arms were lowering down. Once he was gone I let go of him, his body dropped onto the ground causing a thud that echoed around the empty room.

Re-adjusting my dress and shades I cracked my knuckles, releasing the small irritation that developed. Leaving the room muffled music could be heard... I forgot how much I hate clubs, the music sucks, there's no taste, childish music that young people actually like yet dance to this bullshit? Unbelievable...

Seeing a staff member running through the doors I got curious, I know for a fact he isn't going to that empty room rather somewhere since no staff member has a scared look... Time to play along!

"Ah- Ouch!" Falling onto the ground I grabbed onto my arm and pretended as if I was hurt. Looking up I thought he was going to say sorry and explain why he was running like that but apparently not since he just bumped into me and continued to run... Oh well if I see him again he's getting a beating. Getting up from the floor I adjusted my shades as well dress again, pulling it down slightly.

Walking out of the hallway I was now in the club, Japan by Famous Dex was playing out loud. Seeing drunk people humping and dancing was something different, especially when some of them were screaming out the lyrics to the song. Shaking my head from disappointment I looked towards the bar, empty due to the fact that everyone was dancing to this stupid song.

As I walked towards the bar I felt someone watching me from above, feeling them observe my every movement... I guess I have someone that's interested in me huh? Sitting down on the stool I called out to one of the bartenders. One of the men walked towards me, cleaning a shot glass as he gave me a short nod meaning he acknowledged my presence so I told him my order.

As I waited for him I continued to pretend that I wasn't feeling someone staring at me, its annoying that someone was checking me out rather then just ignoring me...

Placing the glass of whisky right in front of me I gave him a short nod, placing a ten dollar bill on- top the counter. Taking a drink from the glass I turn around and let my gaze go up to where I saw a black wall, knowing that behind it was a room and that the 'wall' was actually a window that showed everything that was happening from down below. My gaze shifted quickly towards the doors I entered from, coming out was that same guy, a big smirk appeared on my face as ideas rushed into my head planning on how I could possibly hurt him but not kill him.

Gulping the rest of my drink down I slammed it onto the counter and got up, walking towards the guy. Getting near him my shoulder bumped onto his, causing him to stop and look at me with an annoyed look.

Giving him a wink I grabbed his hand, his face went to a satisfied look.... He thinks he's getting laid tonight... Leading him back to the hallway we were at I felt that whoever was observing me got intensified as if they were truly bothered.... Oh well. As soon as the door was closed I let go of his hand and an immediate fist collided onto his face, instantly causing him to go down onto the ground.

"What the fuck!" He shouts out in pain as his hands went up to over his hurting face, my smirk disappeared as soon as we entered the hallway. I'm not too happy about him not stopping nor telling me the reason on why he was running. As he groaned out of pain I squatted down, looking down at this weakling, he should have handled that light hit...

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