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"Hello father." Pulling out the chair I sat across from him in his office. I was called by him to meet him in the house a couple days ago, not knowing what he wants to discuss with me. Taking off his glasses he looks at me with his bored look. His hands clasp together as he was getting ready to tell me whatever he has to tell me. I'm assuming it big.

"I need you to marry soon." Immediately letting out a dry laugh I shook my head. Does he not understand that I'm number one? I've moved on from them and their wants, It's about me not them. I don't have that kinda time for that. "We have short lifespans, I want a heir for this family." He doesn't know that I can't produce a heir during my lifetime.

"Sooner or later you will produce one, marry off and carry out our legacy we worked hard!"


As a couple of months passed I sit there in front of the board D'Angelo beginning to explain to me the mess that was displayed on the whiteboard. Connecting the dots all together we solved a lot of the puzzles along the one in the very middle, it being the boss of the whole operation. The only question is where is he now? Where do we strike to get him along the stolen Items, two of them being important documents of my family.

Resting my head against my hand I payed attention to the lines that connected to crossed out names and to other connections with some possible locations. There was four known and confirmed locations where they could be hiding, most importantly Mr. Boss-man.
- Two warehouses
- A boat house
- A abandoned mansion

"Currently Romeo is doing his best to find a new lead so we can snatch up the goods and end his life once in for all." Since I'm not allowed to be involved with this D'Angelo placed Romeo to do all my work which 'upsets' me due to the fact that I was meant to do this. I was already showing a bump, I'm just at three months and I look like i'm at my early fives, the twins were speeding the processes up and ruining my chances to get a hold of this.

"Did you consider that some of the guys like Hunter would be with him?" Lifting an eyebrow I observe him. He nods at me, looking back at the board as I began to think.

"Hunter is heavily involved with Bento, he's like his bitch in a way so he has to be with him."

"Since Hunter can deleted certain things from certain platforms Bento needs him to do more of his dirty work."

"But there's nothing to delete now, we know about everything-"

"- That's the thing tesoro, we possibly still have one thing missing, someone."

"What happens if that someone is him?" Sitting up right in the chair I began to think, Hunter can delete things but since bento is non-existent in this world he wants to be sure everything is gone, birth certificate alone with anything else. He for real about the vanishing part. "Vanishing mob, meaning they are gone. Now tell me this, we gotten the name but Marco wasn't supposed to tell us, heck he wasn't supposed to know but he did. Bento saw this error and is keeping hunter longer to officially delete everything."

"With the amount of money he can get he can get us put in jail but run away becoming rich from us, all while going under the radar to build themselves up to be more powerful and rule." This is what we figured out with the items that were taken from us. The priceless necklace is worth millions of dollars due to the necklace containing very rare jewels as well as it being made out of the most expensive gold. With the information that's hidden inside is worth even more with the deals and contacts made with people along with trades and employees around the world.
The documents stolen from my parents were to also get money all while trying to destroy my family's name. Hunter told them about a child, me, being powerful and worth millions of dollars but little does he know in those papers my brother was listed so if he could read and decipher the codes he wouldn't know about me and hunter would be left in a complete mess.

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