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 "Hello there...Mr.Williams" He looked like a total mess, drugged up. On the corner of his mouth dried up blood could be noticed, his eyes were bright red. Dark bags were under his eyes, saying he hasn't had any sleep in days, I wonder why. This morning Dante woke 'us' up to inform that they brought in Liam Williams and had him down stairs in the dungeons.  I was told by D'Angelo that I had one chance to get some type of information out of him within an hour or I wouldn't be allowed to be part of these things... I'll show him that i'm not weak.

Dante was next to my side, he was supposed to babysit me during this whole ordeal with Liam, I wasn't 'Trusted' but quite frankly I don't trust him. He's way to clean...

Having my arms behind my back I observe him, his body was too skinny, he looked somewhat starved, having the impression that he was addicted to heroin due to how skinny he looked as well how you could barely see the bones from his face. His face seemed bruised but taking a closer look at his eyes he didn't have bags, more of a black eye... He was beaten. Taking a look at his appearance again I realized something that even Dante didn't know... This isn't our man. He's too skinny, no muscles whatsoever on his body... Tell me, if you were going to break into a mafias house and steal you would at least look the part; be big, muscular, not be stupid like leave a very small amount of blood in the crime scene. 

But what happens if Dante knew that this man, Liam, isn't our guy and is just pinning the whole thing on him and covering up something? This isn't right at all, this is fishy and I know it. What made me more convinced that this wasn't our man is that as soon as his eyes landed behind me, highly looking at dante his eyes showed some type of fear, his body shook slightly that not even dante would even notice. Fucking hell what the hell did he do to this man?!

"Why..." I straight up told him. His attention quickly goes to me, pure confusion is all I saw in his eyes, his head slightly tilted at me as he looked at me, like he was trying to remember something.

"Who are you?" I let out a small chuckle as I looked down, slightly shaking my head at him. Who I am Is irrelevant, no one need to know who I am, I'm known as Ash to these fools.

"That's irrelevant hun, now tell me-" 

"-Am I in a new cell?" I completely stop what I was going to say. This man Just admitted that he was locked up before he was even here... Someone was holding him in a cell which explains why he looks beaten up, tired, drugged up,as well a completely starved. My head snaps a Dante to see him looking at me, his eyes went back to Liam. "I found him in a cell, I couldn't find who was holding him as a prisoner, he was long gone." 

Getting closer to Liam my hand goes to the sides of his face I squeezed hard, forcing him to look at me. I was starting to get mad at this situation, Dante went to get this guy with a couple of other guys... I need to talk to D'Angelo about his... 

"You came here, your intention was what?" I shout at him, 

"Who was your accomplice Liam? Mhm?!" Pushing him away from me, the chair stumbled back slightly, making it seem he was about to go down. One hour my ass, this isn't our guy, someone is framing him, someone is trying to get away from this. 

"I-I don't know!" He shouts at me as a sudden anger appeared within him. He began to trash around in the chair, trying to get out. That same feeling I saw in his eyes, panic appeared as he began to look around. I have been here for almost twenty minutes, I got nothing out of him except that he isn't our guy, he's been held as a prisoner, and he is completely clueless. Looking down at the cemented ground I told Dante to fetch a nurse or something.

"Why?" Snapping my head at him I bit down on my tongue, trying not to say something stupid that could potentially cause a fight or even worse not be apart of this investigation with D'Angelo.

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