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'Remember I'll be observing you from the VIP room from above.' Grabbing a shot glass I lean my head back slightly, closing my eyes as I gulped the drink down. Alcohol doesn't affect me much, I like the sensation I get as it runs down my throat, its pleasing I guess. Setting the shot glass down on the counter I turn around, observing the crowded dance floor as people danced to the song 'Old town road' by Lil Nas x. Hearing them shout 'I got the horses in the back' made me roll my eyes. I say music nowadays is trash, what happened to the old music?

I'm not mad that this song was playing rather I'm mad that i'm not allowed to do anything related to harming our guy. I can take him down, I can kill him, I can do it... Just because I couldn't take D'Angelo's ass down doesn't mean I'll fail at taking down someone else. Hearing a shot glass slide from behind me I placed my hand down on the counter and felt it slide into my grasp. Bringing up the glass up to my lips I drank half of it, saving the rest when I get thirsty.

So far I have little to go off by with who i'm looking for.
- A male in his mid thirties to early forties.
- Around six-two in height
- Typical teenageer haircut. Hair color blond.
- Sleeve tattoos on both arms.
- Eye color. Green.

As I continue to look around I began to get bored, I know that whoever I was looking for wasnt here in the open. If I were that person that went to clubs everyday it wouldn't be to pick up a slut to fuck in the back unless I got drunk enough. I would be here to make more business which means I would have to know the owner of the club very well or bring in alot of customers which means more money for the owner... I just wasted an hour just standing for nothing.

Reaching up to fix my 'loose earing' I pressed the button on the earpiece and told them what I just thought in an irritated tone. I just stood here looking stupid, ignoring guys trying to flirt with me instead of pushing them away from me...

"You're stupid D'Angelo..." Hearing his low murders chuckle I rolled my eyes. Looking up at the VIP room that was surrounded by very tinted window where I knew he was at I just gave him a death stare, i'm pretty sure he's angry with me but I don't care. Instead of looking at the crowd I looked beyond that and knowing that somewhere at the back there was a door that would lead somewhere. At the back left corner I could make out the silhouette of a door, no light shining above as if no one will notice it.

Gulping the rest of my drink I slammed the glass down the counter and walked towards the back. I wanted to shove everyone out of my way but I couldn't, if i were being watched they would immediately know I was up to something so instead I had to pretend I was a drunk girl wandering around and accidently went to a unknown area. As I stumbled around, occasionally bumping into people I could finally see the doors. Metal doors. My hands quickly went up to the earpiece and switched on a button, giving D'Angelo access to whatever is being said on my end.

If I were being watched they would have came to me to tell me that this area was off limits, meaning that they expected people not to notice but then again I was trained to spot things any normal human eye couldn't pick up. I have an advantage.

Carefully opening the door I quickly got in. I wasn't surprised to see a long almost dark hallway leading to a staircase that went underground. As I walked down the stairs I could see light seeping through a door at the bottom. Typical. Hearing rap music coming from behind the door I was guessing that they either had females in that room or they decided to just relax but since this is business with idiots i'm assuming the first option.

Thankfully I was wearing a sexy dress for tonight so I could blend in, skin tight. As I reached at the bottom of the stairs a young lady walks out, seeming annoyed until she saw me. Her eyes light up in happiness which I found weird.

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