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Loading the amo into the magazine I slip it back into the gun, hearing the click at the end. Placing it into the container I continue, taking three minutes to quickly load it in. We don't have time and I'm in charge of this, the sooner I get done the more I get involved. We have to hit the road in two hours, while D'Angelo and the men prepared themselves. Some will come out alive, others won't. If we don't kill every single one of them there's a chance we go into war that could affect Italy which we don't want. 
Once they get word that were attacking all of his men must drop whatever their doing, rules of mafia, if the family goes down you go as well, defend the boss no matter what cost.

"I won't be taking everyone with us, four hundred of my men will stay behind, when you get the signal or call you'll be backup if anything happens. The rest will come with me, I'm not risking all of your life's so we are playing it safe." 

"Done?" Placing the last loaded magazine into the hand gun I looked up, my eyes meeting Romeos. Giving him a short nod I carefully stood up from the ground. Picking up the container he left without any help, there was well over ninety hand guns in there. Looking over at the desk I saw my knife sitting there, untouched. Walking over to it I pick it up, tossing it in the air and catching in it without slicing myself. I miss you.

"My sweet Olesia, I don't want you getting hurt."

Walking into the closet I squat down, pulling out a box containing a lot of my knives and daggers I took out five of them. Changing my outfit I put on black yoga pants and a thick jacket. Pulling the hood over my head I placed two of my curved knives underneath my breast, the other two in my socks, and the last one on the waistband of my pants. Picking out blacked out shades I put them on, everyone knows about my eyes except my enemies.

"You'll be with a hundred others surrounding the perimeter if more recruits go in." 

Walking out of the room I jog downstairs where Romeo and others were walking in and out of the house, carrying out boxes and containers. Half of the weapons were here while the rest were located somewhere else for security measures.  

"I'm Part of this family..."

Picking up a medium box I grabbed it, being careful as I took it out into the truck. No one bothered to tell me off, knowing that they need this help right now. In just a few hours our lives will significantly change along with the citizens and even the government. There's risks with this and the fact that we already are starting a war puts us in prison if caught.
Noticing a familiar face approaching me I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest as I observed him walking towards me. He looked tallers that's for sure, the shades over his eyes as he also plastered a smirk. Who knew I would be seeing him soon?



Both of us replying to each other, a quick nod as we both go inside the house to help with the equipment being loaded. The more the merrier. Every person that's helping us is already enough and we appreciate all the help we can get.

"We are Wolfs, we are there for eachother through the great fights as well as when help is needed."

Shaking my head at my sibling I throw two handguns at his way, catching them and placing them around his waistband of his special jeans along with a knife just in case. Taking out some magazines filled up I hand them over to him as I grabbed a handgun for myself. All I can do stab, gun usage will be used when needed and if I am going out I'm going out with what I do best.

As the hours flew by we managed to load everything, getting a call from D'Angelo saying to meet up at a nearby location and better prepare ourselves, from there we would move into the wilderness while D'Angelo's team goes through the wilderness and into the abandoned mansion. 

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