Meeting Her

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Mysterious girl POV--------

I was running ,the fastest my legs could carry me. I searched in every dark hallway, "Where is he?".
" Good bye Dranzer" a tired voice trailed.
I searched for the voice with panic,finally I found him collapsing and bits of his bey near him,"Kai......"

Kai's POV----------

I slowly walked to the hallway with Dranzer in my hand. Every thing seemed blurry to me. My head was paining as I felt blood oozing out . I thanked Dranzer and freed the red Phoenix . I couldn't take it anymore and I collapsed as my beyblade broke into pieces . The lights dimed out and the last thing I saw was a figure shouting my name .......

Mysterious girl POV-------------

"Kai fainted ?" I thought as I scurried over to him,"He's hurt real bad ". I closed my eyes and whispered " Take us home "
         As soon as I said that a portal opened and I carried him with me . I set him on the nearest bed and took off his torn shirt and bandaged his wounds .
    "You sure do have muscles"I thought sheepishly as I applied some alcohol on the cuts  .
      " Heal him very slowly,enough to wake him up"I said as I ran my fingers through his grey - black hair.
      "How come you have so soft hair ,eh? What shampoo so you use?" I laughed to myself,"Get up now or you'll miss Tyson's match". Just as I put my mask and robe on, he seemed to stir and soon I was staring at a pair of confused purple eyes.
     "Who in the world are you? Why did you bring me here" he asked or rather shouted as he tried to sit up but failed. I didn't help as as I knew he wouldn't accept any help ,that's the Kai I know.
      "Oh, I am a nobody , you fainted and I just bandaged you up. You're in a pretty bad condition." I replied in moody way,"And don't take this help for granted,I am not a person who likes to act like a nurse, I don't such things like helping random people".
      "I didn't ask for your help ,I don't even need it" he half whispered as he tried to sit and accomplished his task.
     "Whatever dude but you needed help ,I don't care if you admit it or not" I replied as I handed him a bento ,"Eat something ,you must be hungry".
     "Do you expect me to trust a nobody? Let me out of here! Let me do back to Tyson !" He shouted.
      "Do you really not trust me?"

Kai's POV----------

I cracked open my left eye as my right one was bandaged .I was in a room, a very big room , surely I must be back at my grandfather
Voltaire's . But maybe I was wrong as I saw the same mysterious person staring at me . He had a purple robe with a hood covering his entire body and a mask. I was confused and asked who he is but I got a shock.
     "So the he is a she?", I thought. She said something about being a nobody and not helping random people . Man,was I angry. I sat up on the bed and replied controlling my anger.
     " I don't need help , not from a girl at least " I thought as I felt pain every where . The girl meanwhile said something and handed me a box.
          "A bento? Man, I am hungry but I have to go and see Tyson's match. Wait ,how can I even trust this girl? A nobody?" I commanded her to get me out of here when she looked straight onto my eyes ,I couldn't see hers but I felt that they were locked into mine.
       "Do you really not trust me?" She asked as I felt a shiver run down my spine,"Who is she?". My mind and instincts told me not to trust her but my heart was soaring and told the opposite.
     "I always listen to my heart , don't I?"
     "OK maybe I trust you maybe I don't but I have to leave " I replied as I tried to stand but fell , she caught me and I snorted.
     "Man,you're really down! Lemme get ya some clothes, yours are totally torn", she went away to some other room.
     " Who is she? What does she want from me ? Is she working for grandfather ? I have to leave this place soon." I tried to stand up again and succeeded . I was shocked to see my entire torso covered in bandages and so was my right eye
" But I won't stop .Never" .I slowly took steps towards the door .
    "Huh? This is truly a mansion , a very big mansion "  I saw a huge ball room with a chic modern chandelier . Clearly it was a big modern mansion. I tried to make way for the stairs but I lost balance as I heard a shriek.
        "Where do you think you're going without a coat?. I think you rather not wear a shirt with these bandages. Take these stuff and rush out .You don't wanna miss Tyson's match,eh?" she said as she ran over to me. I stood there blank faced, thinking .
      "Hey, you can trust me , I was not sent by Voltaire or Boris. I have your Dranzer . I can fix your beyblade and  I will return it soon . " she said reassuringly and sat down on the stairs beside me ,"Trust me ,Kay?"She removed her hood and pushed the bento🍱 box and a violet coat in my hands. I noticed her black curly shoulder length hair with a few brown wisps , her lips were a mixture of brown and pink and she had chocolate brown skin.

         " Just like her but this is not her . Never would she come back for me" I sighed and putted the coat on and got ready to leave.
       "Go straight and take a left and you'll see the main door . I will meet you soon to give back your Dranzer" she instructed.
       " Hmm"I replied and went the way she told me to go .Just when I reached the door , I heard running steps and she reappeared.
        "Oh ! Why is my house so huge ?" she panted and took long breaths ," Here you forgot this , I  found it in your pocket ." She pushed me out side the mansion as she gave me a picture. Not to mention the picture. Oh, I was fuming with anger but I had no time to waste, I ran through the splendid garden and headed for the BEGA tower.
          "Wow did I just leave Dranzer with an unknown and what is this?!! Am I eating that bento🍱? It must be poisoned And she dare see the picture of her?. Oh ! Stupid heart ! If I had not been in a hurry I'd definitely ask her how she knows about grandfather and Boris. She said she will meet me soon then I'll beat all the answers out of her mouth. I am so angry right now I could just ......Wait...what happened here?"



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