Chapter.13 I Am Not A Trophy

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"Well, what is it Leo? I won't tell anyone, you can confide it to me." He said.

I nodded, I actually found out that I really do want to tell him. I trust him to tell him this.

"Well my story is the same like you, I am an orphan...." and then, I told him everything.

Down to how much i love Emmy, and how today i finally snapped at her, and told her off.

He looked at me in silence.

"You have more in you than that looks Leo. You are independent, right from childhood, you are no fool or idiot. Well, it is that girl loss, that she rejected you. Then again, I don't like her, from what you told me. No one gets to hold a person like a trophy." He said in distaste.


"Yeah, from what you said, she doesn't love you, or let anyone love you. You are always hers to take care, and show you as a trophy to everybody, as you are the most beautiful, handsome,kindest, sensible and brightest boy,  a person can ever have. She is proud of you, but not dear to you" he said.

"What are you talking about? She is not like that! We have been there for each other, since we were kids. We take care of each other. She took care of me. You just can't blame some accusations like that, on her." I said displeased by him talking like that.

"Leo" he sighed and leaned to the front, and looked at me "you have to first come out of this gratitude session you hold everytime you talk about her. You both are bonded of course! But think,  you have a life, and you spend it, revolving around her, and she spends it all ignoring it, by saying you are her brother, and only acknowledging you as hers when anyone looks at you. And now, by the way you told me, she was getting possessive seeing you with Ela. That means you will no longer be hers, her trophy! she is losing it!" he said.

My eyes widened at what he told.

"She is losing control of you Leo, and she doesn't want to lose it, lose you. She is not a bad person, mind i tell you, but i cannot say that she is a good person either, as she keeps holding you back." He said.

Was it that way? Whatever! I just don't understand him that well!

Emmy seeing me as a trophy, and holding me back, and all that! Seems ridiculous, but at some point i think that was also real because,  i do feel like that.

What is this confusion?

"Leo, think. Think! If you really love her, or it is just a brotherly love? Since you were there for each other a long time. There will definitely be a strong bond, and it doesn't have to love." He said.

His words made me open my eyes wide again.

He looked at me and gave me a sad smile " If you ask me Leo, if someone you love everytime goes out with someone else, it eats at your heart Leo. You cannot think straight, you cannot sit straight. Your brain never leaves the thought of that person. You become dead, you become so numb, that you won't feel anything, but after some days you become adjusted to numbness."

The way he said that, clearly showed me that he was the one to experience it. It made me think that I never felt that much emotional turma with Emmy, I was sad, very sad but not that much. It made me doubt if I really love Emmy or not?

"Arnold, I'm sorry," I said.

He smiled for me "Don't be Leo, like i said i am used to it. Besides you are here to hear me, i fell contend with that" he said.

I smiled at his strength. I nodded, and then we fell into a comfortable silence.

After sometime, a guy with black hair, and good build, who looks taller than Arnold, and a couple of years older than us, came to the place we were sitting.

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