Chapter.15 My Leo Was So Cute

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Ela's POV

Leo was asleep by the time, we reached the house.

Iam furious to say the least. All that drama those two women put on, no they are girls, childs to say, exactly, put a stop to what going to be the awesome day of my life.

If they did not show their faces, by this time Leo would be in my home cooking for me.

But instead of that, here I am stewed, as I saw two women saying they love him.

Wouldn't have minded taking those two bitches down, with just one puch, to get rid of them, for saying that and getting in my way.

But I certainly know, Leo would mind that. And he didn't need any more of this girl's drama, and i don't want to add one.

That woman finally grew a pair, and came out. I know that Leo loves her, would that mean I have no way into his heart?

But he didn't not yet respond to her, and he definitely did not say a word when that woman nearly did a worse thing to him, breaking his trust. He did not said a single thing.

Maybe, he likes her that much.

And if it was true, then what would I do?

I got out of the car, and took Leo into my hands.

I walked into the house, all the while looking at the sleeping face of Leo. He looked peaceful, the exact opposite of his earlier expressions.

What will I do if Leo starts loving another person? Will I let him be with another girl? Can I?

I can't do that. But I will do that exactly. Whatever he wants.

I took a deep breath.

I put him on the couch, as Nanna came to me, already having wind of what happened.

I will let Leo have anyone he wants, because his happiness was the thing only that matters. But that doesn't mean I would leave him alone, I will be the shadow of him that protects him always.

I grinned looking at Nanna, and told him to prepare food for us.

After some time, I came back with clothes in my hand, and Leo was up.

"Here are your clothes, get showered and change into this. Then we can eat" I said.

He looked at me slightly disoriented from just waking up.

He stood up suddenly "I'm sorry. I slept, instead of cooking for you. I'm becoming weak, i think. Sleeping more than necessary" he slapped his head lightly.

I chuckled "Don't be sorry. It's ok, I saw the reason why you aren't able to cook."

"No! I Am really sorry for not cooking. I really wanted to cook and excited" he said.

"Me too, but that doesn't matter now. Nanna is making dinner for us. So, since you are getting weaker, we should feed you more. Now come down after getting refreshed, so we can feed you" I smiled.

He looked embarrassed at my words and nodded.

I showed him his room, and went down to see Nanna already placing food for us.

"So you are saying that, that girl finally confessed to him, what if she gets him?" Nanna asked bluntly.

"You are cruel, you know that Nanna" I said.

"Cut it out, and answer me Ela" he said.

"What will I do you ask?" I mused. "Maybe...., I would do nothing, maybe I will just be his friend, and protect him. That's it" I said.

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