Chapter 34 I Cried Silently

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Ela's POV  

What happened? Why did it have to happen like that?

I thought I would take care of the matter, and be back in the paradise I was in, for the last few days.

And suddenly, the moment I saw his car, I knew I had lost those days.

And when I saw those bullet indents on the car, I knew I lost everything.

And when I went into the car, taking a look at him, made it more than clear that I lost everything.

As Nanna told me to clean up and come, so that Leo cannot see me with all the blood, I ran upstairs trying to make him comfortable, as much of a chance I could get, I had to take it.

As I came back, he was sitting silently and looking at some paper bag that had crumpled and sat on the desk of the sofa table.

I silently went and sat far away from him to not disturb him.

I was afraid. I was afraid of what he would do, or what he would say, if I called him.

Max came in noisily, and I saw Leo feeling disturbed by the noise. I wanted to shout at Max, but I kept silent, in case I irritated him.

After sometime of nobody saying anything,  Leo stood up.

At once my heart jumped in my chest. He was going to go away. That cannot happen, please stay.

Please stay.

I stood up at once and almost slipped and bumped into the table in front of me.

But I disregarded it, and took steps towards him wanting to touch him, feel him, just to do anything to feel that I didn't lose him, yet.

But he stepped back from me. And I know then, I really did lose him. There was no yet there, at all.

“Why did you come, m..m- Leo?” Did I even have the chance to call him My Leo anymore.

That made me want to crumble and cry.

Leo pointed to the crumpled paper bag and croaked out “To give that”.

I looked at it.

What was in there, that made all this happen? Why did it make all this happen?

I looked back at Leo.

Anything, I had to say something.

I took little steps to him “I am sorry-”

“I-I want to think.” He said at once, seeing me approaching him.

“I need…” he was not able to say anymore.

But I know what he wanted. I felt like laughing at my fate, but I forced it down to smile.

He didn't have to say it. I didn't want to make him say it, in case he felt bad for having to say it. I decided I would do it instead.

“Of course. You can” He wanted space, so “I will give you space,” he didn't want to remember all this, so “ and will not show my face to you, at all.” I said.

Leo’s eyes furrowed at that, and he just nodded.

He was not saying anything.

He didn't had anything to say to me.

Nothing. He was just going to leave me like that, saying nothing!

Am I still something to him? Anything!

I couldn't stand anymore on my legs. I felt pain in my whole body.

Won't crack, not in front of him. If I did, I was sure he would come to assuage me. But I didn't wanted it to be like that.

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