I'm The nanny of twins! Wtf is up with the fangs?? ((Moving Out))

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AUTHOR NOTE: Shout Out to my cousin for convincing me to upload

Second Much love to the people reading this....share this story rate and please write I love to include ideas

Now I'm just going to CHa Cha out so you can read in peace xD


They say it is better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all.

But as I stood there over her, I wasn't sure. The pain in my chest was severe, it was deeper than any wound I had succumbed too. For the first time in my life I think I shed tears. To love but have lost is the cruelest thing that anyone has to bare.

I reached out for her hand and wondered, would I change anything-, if I could go back, would I still choose to love her knowing what fate had in stored...

Would you love the same person you knew you would have to soon live without..

I remember the day we met...


I woke up late that morning.

The women that my brother and I had been pleasuring seemed to have disappeared.

I huffed angrily. Into my pillow angrily,

"You got to be fucking kidding me...not again." I mumbled I turned to my right.

I shook my brother over and over till he started to crack those blue eyes of his.

"What is it Trey?" He groaned turning back over.

"We need to have a word with her, about our personal lives again." I announced shaking him more. He turned back over and gave me a grumpy look.

I shook him again.

"What does it matter? You didn't even know their names." He yawned sitting up slowly finally.

"Of course it matters Tyler, if you give the women and inch she'll go-,"

"An inch." He said simply rubbing his eyes with his palms.

I looked at him and folded my arms. He just threw the covers off of himself I could hear him grumbling, knowing he was already annoyed I slapped him on his butt and laughed. He gave me a death glare.

"Trey I swear you know how to ruin a good morning." He added

I shot up behind him, pulled him into my arms. "I'll make it up to you tonight. Now shut up and come on. First Get Dressed Mother doesn't like us walking around, 'half naked'. " I said throwing on some cargo shorts and just a jacket leaving my chest exposed.

I threw Tyler his faded jeans and white v-neck from last night. We began looking threw the large castle. Twisting and turning down the family portrait filled, velvet decor, and antique stuffed hallways. We first stopped by at the vast library of ours.

I pushed passed the huge double doors.

"Where is she?" I snapped at the maid who dusting the library. She jumped in fright, making her topple off the ladder beneath her. The damn girl let out a scream. Humans...so helpless.

Tyler just watched her anxiously. Waiting for her to hit the hard stone floor beneath her. From the height she was at, the fall wouldn't kill but she surely would break something.

I ran over and caught her just in time in my arms.

She was breathing heavily. She eventually had caught her breath and was soon gazing at my trim stomach and sorts. I quickly put her down. If humans could they'd eat us too, by the way they look at us I wouldn't be shocked if some already did....nasty's.

I'm The nanny of twins! Wtf is up with the fangs??Where stories live. Discover now