Chapter One: False King Baratheon

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Loud bells chimed throughout the land like a constant ring. With every chime it was like a pounding headache. A constant reminder that death was near. An annoying buzz in your ear's. A buzz that Aris wanted to stop.

But there was nothing she could do to stop the knights who dragged Ned Stark into the light with his hands chained behind his back.

She couldn't stop them as they dragged him through the screaming crowd who cursed at him and called him a traitor. A young women with lightly tanned skin and freckles that decorated her skin. Light brown hair that was pulled back into a bun that had come loose in the few days she was forced to flee the castle when they took her father prisoner. Dressed in a leather top with chainmail fittings and leather securings with a quiver of arrows and a bow strapped to her back, she looked like a northern warrior.

Aris clutched her dagger's handle and balled her other fist. She watched as her father was brought before the people and the bells stopped their chimes. The pounding in her head stopped with it.

"I am Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." Ned Stark began as the crowd's yells turned silent. Ned Stark looked out over the people who cursed him before looking to his daughter, Sansa, who stood beside the Queen Regent and the new King Joffrey. Sansa gave her father a nod of approval, urging him to confess and live.

Ned looked back into the crowd seeing little Arya sitting under the statue of Baelor before scanning the crowd to see his eldest daughter hiding amongst the people. He was glad to see them alive and well, but ashamed for what they were about to see.

"I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of Gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend, Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children, but before his blood was cold, I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself."

The crowd became angry again. They yelled and shouted 'traitor' and threw rocks at man who stood before them on the stage. A large rock struck Ned's head causing him to stumble and leaving an open wound behind on his forehead.

The breath in Aris's throat hitched when her father stumbled only for The Hound to catch him and stand him back on his feet.

Despite the people's shout of protest, he continued. "Let the high scept and Baelor the Blessed bare witness to what I say. Joffrey Baratheon, is the one true heir to the Iron Throne. By the grace of all the gods, lord of the seven kingdoms and protecter of the realm."

The young archer could see the pain her father's own words brought him. It pained him to speak falsely, even though he was doing it for the sake of his children.

"As we sin, so do we suffer." The Grand Maester came forth and silenced the crowd. "This man has confessed his crimes in sight of gods and men. The gods are Just! But, beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful." The Grand Maester turned to the King. "What is to be done with this traitor, you're grace?"

The crowd screamed and yelled all sorts of things until Joffrey held out his hand with a smile. "My mother convinces me to let Lord Eddard join the Nights Watch. Stripped of all tittles and powers he would serve the realm in permanent exile."

Joffrey eyed the young red headed Stark girl. "And My Lady Sansa, has begged mercy for her father. But they have the soft hearts of women! So long as I am your King, treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn Payne, bring me his head!"

Aris' heart dropped at King Joffrey's command and the grip on her dagger loosened. He couldn't...! she thought. He was going to start a war. The crowd turned into an uproar once more. The Queen Regent tried to speak reason with her son, but he ignored her words. Poor Sansa screamed and cried for her fathers life as soldiers held her.

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