Chapter Eighty Three: The Winds of Winter

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A dreamless sleep Aris had when her small slumber was awoken by the ringing of bells, the shouts of men and the cries of Kaytlyn.

They were here.

She found herself under the covers beside Gendry who was fast asleep and she sat up when the fear of reality struck her. "Gendry!" she shook him awake and he was quick to open his eyes and he too sat up fear struck.

Aris flew out from under the covers. It was still dark outside and she wasn't sure how long she had slept. Aris and Gendry hurried to pull on their clothes, and Aris opened the chest at the foot of her bed to dress into hunting pants and a leather vest with boots.

Kaytlyn's cries pierced their ears, crying for her mother. It was almost like she new what was coming. Aris hurried to the bow mantled on the fire place and swung it around her shoulder along with the quiver. She leant over the crib and soothed her crying baby. She scooped Kaytlyn into her arms making sure to wrap her body tightly in the furs.

Rapid knocks came to the door and Sansa bursted into the room and paused to see Gendry half naked and confusion struck her for a moment before she dismissed him. "They're here." she announced.

"We know." replied Aris and followed her sister from the room with Gendry hot on her heels.

Outside in the dark, men raced into positions and the women and children hurried into the crypts. Orders where being shouted as soldiers got into position.

Aris and Sansa came out into the cold of the night with Gendry who stood by Aris closely. "You need to get to the crypt." said Gendry.

"I will."

"I have to go."

"Wait." she grabbed his arm with a free hand and reeled him in to plant a kiss on his lips. "Don't die." she pleaded softly.

He swallowed unable to promise that. All he could manage was to look her in the eye and nod. "I'll try." and he turned to hurry away.

Aris' heart throbbed knowing it might be the last time she sees him. Sansa just stood with a sly smile watching the small interaction.

"Where's Randyl?" she asked Sansa.

"The walls." she responded. "He's right, you need to take Kaytlyn into the crypt."

"I will." she said firmly. "Just not yet."

On their way they found Theon wheeling Bran to the Godswood with the IronBorn marching behind. To his death. Theon stopped for the Stark sisters and Aris embraced her younger brother tightly. He merely looked upon his sisters and little niece. "You should get to safety." he said.

"Keep him safe." Sansa ordered Theon who nodded confidently and continued to the Godswood.

Aris then broke away from Sansa saying, "I'll meet you on the walls." and she left Sansa and hurried to the crypts entrance where dozen other women and children and elderly made they're way inside. Aris jogged down the steps into the gloomy crypts where every one made refuge. There she found Gilly sitting with little Sam.

"Gilly." she called relieved kneeling to her level. "Take Kaytlyn for me."

"Lady Aris?" Gilly said confused as the baby was delivered into her arms. "Aren't you staying?"

"I am, but there's things I need to do first. I'll join you shortly."

"Lady Aris, shouldn't you-?!" Gilly tried to protest.
"I'll be back." Aris gave Gilly no time and she jogged back up the flight of steps and back into the cold of the night. She made her way through soldiers finding it hard to see in the dark as she skipped up the stairs onto the rafters where she joined Arya, Sansa and Randyl on the wall.

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