Chapter Thirty One: Eyes Of Another

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Aris dreamed that she stalked by a huge river, skipping over rocks and weaving through the trees. Heavy fog settled over the land and the river. This didn't feel right, this didn't feel like her body. And this didn't feel like a proper dream.

The sound of a crow caught her attention. She looked up into the trees to see a crow eyeing her, the odd thing was was it's eye. Instead a black beady eye watching her, the crow's eyes were a milky white. The crow cawed again and more crows gathered in the trees, all with milky white eyes.

Aris heart pounded in her chest in the presence of these crows. Something drew her to the water's edge of the river. Aris looked into the water to find that her reflection was the face of her wolf, Duchess. The wolf stared back into her eyes, gazing into her soul.

Aris looked up from the river to see the familiar castle of RiverRun ahead.

She jolted awake in Wyllim's arms wondering if that was really a dream. It played on her mind the whole morning.

Wyllim, Codyn, Jelissa and Aris saddled their horses with what they could carry. "It's going to be a long trip." whined Codyn.

"Don't be a baby." said Jelissa strapping down a bag to her horse.

Wyllim rolled up a small scroll and tied it to a raven's leg and threw it into the air. The bird took flight and watched with a blank gaze in his eyes as the bird flew North.

"Who are you writing too?" Aris' voice asked.

"A friend." he replied bluntly.

"Okay." Aris said sceptical of the sudden change in behaviour. "I'll saddle the horse..." and she headed towards a brown horse. She wore a knew outfit, black tights and a long sleeved vest pattered with sequins. She still tied her wavy brown hair into a bun on the back off her head.

"Wait for me!" said a little voice and Randyl came running into the stables with a small bag packed.

"No, no, no." scolded Jelissa and stopped the boy. "You're staying here."

"No! I want to come."

"Oh, let him come." said Codyn. "He's useful."

"You do realise what we're doing is too dangerous for him."

"The boy has to learn sooner or later."

Aris walked her horse out of it's stable beside Wyllim. She patted down the brown horse with a shaky breath. "It's going to work." reassured Wyllim.

"I know, it's..."

"I get it." he said placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're worried for Sansa. We're going to get her out of Kings Landing."

Aris nodded and placed her hand over his. She smiled warmly up at him and his smile dropped looking behind her. Jelissa drew her blades and Codyn nocked an arrow.

Aris furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to see none other than her wolf Duchess standing in the stables.

"Duchess!" Aris cautiously approached the wolf. "How are you here?" she reached out a hand to the wolf. Her dream played on her mind. Aris knelt with her hand extended and the wolf stalked forward to sniff her hand before rubbing her nose against her arm.

Jelissa lowered her blade and Codyn slipped his arrow back into his quiver. "I had a dream last night, that I was Duchess. I was along the river bank and I could see RiverRun ahead, I don't understand how she's here... I mean..."

"That is odd." said Wyllim. "A coincidence."

Aris rubbed behind Duchess' ear and the wolf lowered her head to allow for more. Duchess' white fur was stained with dirt and mud and Aris wondered where she had been all this time.

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