Chapter Forty Seven: Till Death

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For days on end, Ramsay kept Aris locked in their quarters and refused Sansa to see her sister. 

For days on end he used her how he liked, when he liked. She didn't know how much more she could take, every night he hurt her, every night he left her aching and in pain. So Aris had learnt to shut her emotions off, she learnt to become numb and even then it didn't stop Ramsay from doing his worst damage to her, he still broke her night after night.

She laid on the bed with her knee's tucked into her chest, shivering from the cold snow that drizzled inside the open windows. She didn't have the strength to get up and close them.

She heard the door open and her heart was sent into a panic frenzy thinking it was Ramsay who had returned, instead the person placed down a tray on the small round table in the middle of the room. Theon glanced over to Aris to see her shivering and he closed one of the windows for her.

Aris looked up to see Theon and she called out to him, "Theon, wait!"

"It's not Theon, my lady, Reek." he corrected her.

"Is Sansa alright?" she asked and he subtly nodded. "What are they doing with her?"

"They also keep her locked up, Wyllim watches her."

"You have to help us!" she pleaded sliding to the edge of the bed, the nasty purple and blue bruises on her arms became visible in the light.

"You're his wife now."

"... Theon?"

"Do what he says or he'll hurt you."

"He already does every night. All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes... it can't be any worse."

"It can." said Theon. "It can always be worse."

Aris rose from the bed on shaky legs, she wondered if Ramsay was so bad like Theon claimed, then what did he do to Theon to break him like he did. "What did he do to you?" she asked approaching him.

"Please!" Theon tried to escape the room.

Aris slammed her hand on the door stopping Theon from escaping and shouted, "You betrayed my family!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"You have to help me, Theon, help me!" she took him by the front of his rags. "Help Sansa!"

"You don't know him!"

"My family still has friends in the North, all I need to do is give a signal and they'll come for us." Aris explained and reached for the candle sitting on the table, "Climb to the top of the Broken Tower, light this candle and put it the window." she placed the candle into his hands. "Promise me, Theon."

"Reek!" he corrected and tried to flee only to be stopped by Aris. "My name is Reek."

"You're name is Theon Greyjoy, last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands, do you understand? Theon, promise me."

Theon quivered under her touch and he eventually nodded. Relief filled Aris and allowed Theon to leave, he quickly fled from the room and left her alone once more. She hoped and prayed that within the next few hours, Northern men would storm the castle and rescue Sansa and herself.

By the afternoon there was a knock on her door and Aris rose from the bed full of hope, she quickly slid off the bed and approached the door as the lock clicked open and the door came open to reveal Wyllim and all hope faded from Aris.

"I hope I don't disturb you."

"What do you want?" she spat.

"Lord Ramsay has sent for you to join him. He asks that I escort you to him."

"Join him for what?"

"Get dressed and find out." his eyes trailed her body and the bruises that adorned her. Aris pushed closed the door on his face and she let out a deep breath. A hundred scenarios ran through her head, why would Ramsay call for her now unless there was Northern men waiting at the gates.

She slipped on a simple dress and threw a cloak over herself. When she opened the door again, Wyllim was still waiting for her on the other side.

"This way." he ordered and walked ahead. She had no choice but to follow behind him throughout the castle and into one of the courtyard through the snow, where he led her up the newly rebuilt ramparts around the walls that surrounded Winterfell. Wyllim guided her to the top where Ramsay was waiting for her.

Ramsay turned with a deathly glare before he smiled,

"My beautiful wife." he greeted and kissed her check, she tensed at his touch. "When my father told me we were marrying I half expected a fat hairy beast. Do you know how pleased I was when I saw you? You've made me very happy."

"I want to see my sister."

"You can in due time." he turned and guided her along the walkway with Wyllim in tow. "Our scouts report that Stannis Baratheon rides for Winterfell, he's a respected commander, his troops are loyal and battle testing. He's hired thousands of foreign sales swords to bulk his army, but this storm was a stroke of luck for us Northerners. Our people are used to fighting in the frost."

Ramsay guided Aris down a set of steps to a lower level of the ramparts. "His army is out there now, suffering in the snow. One day, I'll be lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and you'll be my Lady, the Wardeness."

Those words triggered an old memory, the similar words Gendry told her before they parted ways. "Isn't your step mother pregnant?"

"What of it?"

"What if it's a boy?"

"Then I'll have a baby brother."

"But he'll be the heir."

"I'm Lord Bolton's eldest son."

"You're a bastard, a true born will always have the stronger claim."

Ramsay came to a stop, Aris could tell she finally struck a cord. "I've been naturalised by a royal decree."

"Tommen Baratheon? Another bastard."

"Bastards can rise high in the world." he replied rather calmly. "Like your half brother, Jon Snow. Born the bastard of Winterfell, now the Lord Commander of The Nights Watch."

Surprise struck Aris' face, she had no idea Jon was Lord Commander. Ramsay snickered and he continued the walk, "Oh, you didn't know? Yes, he's done very well for himself. Ah! I nearly forgot why I asked you to join me. Come, my lady." he motioned to her and guided her down and onto solid ground again.

Ramsay guided Aris across the snow with Wyllim still following to the courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was a woman, with her skin peeled, hammered to a cross. Aris chocked at the horrific sight, it was the same women who delivered her the message. She couldn't stop staring at the woman's poor old face, white and drained of blood, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"You're Northern friend." said Ramsay proudly and revealed the candle from under his cloak. The same candle she gave Theon. "Reek told me you wanted to leave. Why?! Winterfell is your home and I am your husband."

Aris stumbled back only to bump into Wyllim who pushed her forward again. This was worse than anything she had ever seen, not even the Red Wedding. Theon had betrayed her family yet again, he stood cowering in the snow across the courtyard, ashamed.

"Tough old bird. Everyone talks when I start peeling them." explained Ramsay. "And Wyllim was kind enough to help me, but this one, her heart gave out before I got to her face. We do breed them tough in the North. Take my wife back her chamber, it's far too cold out here for a lady. You should hold onto your candles, the nights are sooo long now."

Wyllim grasped Aris and proceeded to guide her shaking body away. 

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