Chapter Eighty: The Dead Are Coming

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Aris was kept up most of the night attending to her new born crying baby so by the time the morning came, she was exhausted. Her entire body was still sore and recovering. She just wished for a good nights sleep.

Aris leant over the crib stationed in her chamber and smiled down at little Kaytlyn who was already awake and waiting. "Hello, my precious girl." she stroked a finger over Kaytlyn's chubby cheek and what seemed like a smile trying to form on her lip made Aris smile. She lifted the newborn from her crib, "Good morning." she held the baby to her chest smelling she needed a change of a nappie.

After changing Kaytlyn like the midwife showed her and feeding her from her breast, she dressed Kaytlyn in a little dress and wrapped her up in warm furs. "Now it's time for mummy to eat and you to meet everyone else." she exited her chamber to find an Unsullied standing guard and paused surprised. "Oh?"

"On orders of Queen Daenerys." all the man spoke with a strange accent.

"How nice of her." she smiled to the Unsullied soldier and headed down the corridor with the soldier following closely. Each step he took mimicked her own, only he marched.

When Aris came into the hall she was met with the Lords and Ladies and her family enjoying a rationed breakfast. Jon rose from his seat and hurried to his sister. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." she pushed a smile. Randyl was next to come and wrap his arms around Aris and welcomed both her and the baby a good morning.

"I'd say you're hungry." Jon motioned for Aris to sit in her usual seat, by Daenerys' right side while he sat on her left.

"Congratulations." smiled Daenerys peering into the bundle of furs at the baby that stared up at the ceiling. This little baby reminded her of the child she saw in a vision, her baby that should have been to Khal Drogo, only this baby had light skin and blue eyes. Quite the opposite from her vision. "She's beautiful." she admired.

"Thank you. Her name is Kaytlyn."

"A gorgeous name."

A small cough came from Aris' right where Sansa sat. "May I hold her while you eat?" she gestured for the baby. "Yes." Aris nodded transferring Kaytlyn into Sansa's arms. Sansa smiled greeting the little girl.

"Where is Arya?"

"Somewhere of course." replied Sansa making faces trying to make Kaytlyn laugh.

Lord Royce and Lady Mormont approached the table. "On behalf of The Vale, congratulations, Lady Aris." said Lord Royce.

"Bear Island congratulates you as well." added Lady Mormont. "We wish the best for you and your baby."

"Thank you, Lord Royce. Lady Mormont." replied Aris as they bowed and returned to their tables.

Tyrion Lannister stood from the end of the table and stood on top of his chair and raised a chalice. "To Lady Aris and the new baby!" and a collective cheer echoed around the hall.

Aris pushed a smile to the people in the stone hall. "I saw the soldier you sent." she said to Daenerys peering behind her shoulder at the Unsullied who stationed himself by the doorframe. "Thank you, I suppose, but unnecessary."

"On my behalf and both you're protection. These are hard times and from experience people do stupid things." explained Daenerys poking her food with a fork, and whispered. "I was with child once too, but to my own desperation in a hard time... I lost my child."

Aris lowered her spoon and her eyes fell onto the porridge. "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that's that." she could see Jon from the corner of her eye. He was still.

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