Chapter Forty Six: True Colours

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Theon guided Aris down a path lined with lamps to light their way into the godswood, her dress glided across the snowy ground as she followed behind Theon. At the red oak tree was a small gathering of people, Sansa and Wyllim amongst them. Ramsay stood waiting patiently by his father as she approached with her heart pounding in her chest.

Aris casted Sansa a look as she passed and Sansa couldn't bare to force a smile. Her sister looked gorgeous in the dress, only if the circumstances where different, this might have been a night to rejoice.

"Who comes before the old gods this night?" said Roose stepping forward.

"Aris of the House Stark," replied Theon. "Comes here to be wed. A woman grown true born and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?"

Ramsay then stepped forward beside his father, "Ramsay of House Bolton. Heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell. Who gives her?"

"Theon of House Greyjoy who was-" Theon paused for a moment, struggling to speak. "Who was her father's ward."

Aris took in a steady breath trying to keep her composure.

"Lady Aris, will you take this man?" asked Roose Bolton. Aris eyes glanced from Sansa to Ramsay who stood in front of her with his eyes wide waiting for her response. She stepped forward to say, "I take this man."

"Do you Ramsay, take this woman?" asked Theon.

"I take this woman." Ramsay said holding out his hand for Aris to take, she placed her hand into his and he stepped her to his side with her hands in one another. Roose Bolton took a strip of cloth and wrapped their hands binding them together and said,

"In witness of the old gods, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words."

Aris and Ramsay turned to face and each other and together they said, "Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am hers, and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days."

Aris was led into a room by Theon who hurriedly opened the door to a large room already prepared and lit with candles. Aris entered the room with Ramsay following behind knowing full well was was about to happen.

"Are you pleased, my lady?" asked Ramsay kindly.

"Yes." she slightly nodded.

"Good, I want you to be happy." he rounded Aris to stand beside the bed. "I was told you're no longer a virgin."

Aris glanced towards Theon who stood by the open door with his head held down. She wanted him gone, she didn't want him here. "No."

"Why?" asked Ramsay.

"I don't think I understand..."

"Wyllim told me he had to 'do what it took to gain your trust' and you still allowed him into your bed."

"He lied." Aris nervously licked her lips. "He betrayed me."

"Does that make you upset?"

"Does it make you upset?" retorted Aris. "That another man had me before this night."

Ramsay stepped toward Aris and placed a gentle hand on her cheek. "Now, now. Arguing on our first night would be a bad way to start a marriage. We're man and wife now. We should be honest with each other. Don't you think?"


Ramsay leant toward her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips and smiled, "Good. Now take off your clothes."

Confusion struck Aris and she turned to look at Theon who immedielty proceeded to leave, only to be stopped by Ramsay, "Oh, no, no, no. You stay here, Reek. You watch."

Aris' mouth fell open and she looked between the sadistic look on Ramsay to the horror on Theon's face. "No." she said. "I don't want him here."

"Do I have to ask a second time?" spat Ramsay. "I hate asking a second time."

Aris turned away facing the bed, she couldn't bare to look at Theon. She pulled the strings to her sleeves as she heard the door close and hoped Theon had left, but knowing he had no choice but to stay.

"Reek." warned Ramsay, "I told you to watch."

Aris glanced over her shoulder to see Theon raise his head with tears swelling in his eyes. "You've known Aris since she was a girl, now watch her become a proper woman."

Aris turned back afraid to move feeling Ramsay's hand slid up her back and grip the back of her dress and with unbelievable force, he tore open her dress revealing her bare back. Aris took in a sharp breath trying to keep her tears from overflowing as Ramsay pushed her forward on the bed and continued to rip open her dress. She buried her face in the furs and balled her fists as Ramsay climbed onto her back pushing himself inside her, she whimpered as he pressed down on her forcing her into the bed, making it harder to breath. Theon struggled to keep his eyes up as tears overflowed and ran down his cheeks, his entire body shook watching and hearing Aris suffer under Ramsay. 

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