Chapter Fifty Seven: The Wolf And Flayed Man

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"Open the gate!"

Aris rose from the barrel she sat on as the gates opened and Ramsay and Wyllim, followed by others, rode inside. "Archers to the wall!" shouted men and the gates were sealed.

Aris immediately thought that Ramsay had won and Jon was dead somewhere on the battlefield. After all, she half expected Ramsay to win, but what made her confused was the looks on Ramsay and Wyllim's faces. They didn't hold looks of victory, instead they looked angry.

Ramsay and Wyllim dismounted their horses. "They're armies gone." said Ramsay storming away in a fit.

"Our armies gone!" corrected Wyllim.

Ramsay clenched his jaw and stopped to turn back to face Wyllim and growled, "We have Winterfell. They don't have the men for a siege. All we have to do is wait."

There was a loud bang at the gates that made Aris jumped, and Ramsay and Wyllim both turned their heads.

"Archers to the wall!" shouted a man again as men flooded the courtyard with bows. There was another great loud bang and the gates rattled violently.

Ramsay had forgotten their argument and placed a hand on Wyllim's arm and pushed him aside stepping forward and the gates rattled again as whatever was on the other side rammed into the gates. And again, and again, the gates rattled and jolted. The plank off wood holding the gates closed wasn't going to be enough to stop whatever was on the other side.

Wyllim drew his sword and stood with his feet apart, ready for what might come threw. Aris's breath became visible in the cold air as she slowly backed away.

A giant hand punched a hole in the gates the men began to fire arrows. The giant roared angrily and punched another hole.

Ramsay quickly turned away leaving Wyllim to face off the giant should it come threw the gates. The giants hand reached through the hole in the wood to grab the plank of wood blocking his way and a spear plunged into his hand and he roared ripping his hand from the spear.

Ramsay stormed toward Aris who cheeks were red and eyes puffy, he roughly took her upper arm and pulled her into his side and attempted to leave with her, but the sound of the gates smashing open caught his attention and he turned back.

The giant stumbled into the courtyard and Wyllim and all the men fled backwards as the giant fell to it's knees with dozen's of arrows sticking out of him. Wildlings flooded the courtyard firing arrows back at the Bolton men.

Wyllim shouted and drove his sword into any Wildlings that came his way, he mowed them down with his incredible strength. Wyllim deflected an arrow that was shot at him before driving his sword into the Wildling that tried to shoot him.

He felt a sharp pain in his back side and Wyllim spun around to sliced his sword through the Wildling that shot him. He gripped his bleeding side and fled as more flooded the courtyard, he stumbled toward Ramsay and Aris.

Jon came through the gates of Winterfell for the first time since he left home. He stopped by the giants side and Tormund joined on the other.

Soon any and all Bolton soldiers were shot dead. Ramsay clenched his jaw and his fist clenched around Aris' arm and she squirmed to get free. Ramsay grumbled lowly and shoved Aris into Wyllim and ordered, "Don't let go of her." and he reached for a forgotten bow laying in a dead mans hand.

Jon reached out to comfort the giant but an arrow that shot into his head made him retract his hand as the giant fell dead.

Ramsay lowered the bow staring down Jon. Behind him stood Wyllim who held his sword to Aris's throat and fear swelled inside him. He had won the battle outside, but should Wyllim decide to slice his sword along her throat, overall he would loose.

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