Chapter Seventy Two: Samwell Tarly

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Peaceful days had gone past in Winterfell with LittleFinger gone, the sisters were no longer trying to tear at each others throats, nor did they live under fear. It was the peace they deserved.

"So?" Arya came to stand by her sister Aris who was looking over Winterfell on the rafters. "What are you going to call it?" she motioned to her large stomach.

Aris shrugged. "Everybody keeps asking me, but, I don't know yet." and she looked towards her youngest sister. "I'm sorry, I never should have left you with the Brotherhood. Things might have been so much different."

Arya casted her eyes down. "I made you go, it's my fault."

"I am in charge of you, it's my fault. I'm sorry, Arya."

"You shouldn't be. I saw you at the Twin Towers... you rode past when things started to go bad. I tried to run after you, but then I saw what they did to Robb."

Aris twisted her head to Arya in shock. "You were there, at The Red Wedding?" and Arya nodded gazing down at her shoes. "You saw that? I had nightmares for months... To think we had come so close."

"But that doesn't matter now. We're together again."

"I've missed you, Arya."

Arya came to her sisters side and enveloped her in a tight hug. Aris smiled warmly embracing her sister back. "I've missed you too." replied Arya softly.

Familiar footsteps approached and Sansa's voice spoke. "A raven came from Jon." she held up an unbroken letter and handed it to Aris. She broke the seal and unrolled the letter to read the contents. "It's from Kings Landing." she announced confused.

"Well, what does it say?"

"He'll be coming home soon." she remised the letter and looked to the sky expecting soon to see dragons fly overhead. She imagined what their roars would sound like across the skies and the beating of their giant wings. "With Daenerys Targaryen and her army, with dragonglass."

"Jon's coming home?" repeated Arya with a hint of excitement. "How long?"

"Well, travelling with an army and three dragons, who knows? Months maybe. Remember how long it took us to get to Kings Landing?"

"A month." groaned Sansa remembering.

"Bran should know this. Arya, would you take this to him." Aris ordered handing the youngest sister the letter. Arya took the letter before making off.

Aris and Sansa headed in the opposite direction walking down the rafters to level ground. "How are we going to suffice for an army of Unsullied and Dothraki and three dragons!?" asked Sansa.

"That's what I'm worried about. We're going to need every stronghold to bring whatever food they can carry. We'll have to stock up and ration."

"If we have enough for the entire winter."

"You should speak with Lord Royce." suggested Aris and Sansa broke away from her sister to seek out Lord Royce.

The grounds were bustling with workers and people who constantly moved and transported and built. But this would be nothing come the time when every stronghold in the North would be holed up in Winterfell with the accompany of Unsullied, Dothraki, and three dragons.

She saw Ghost and Duchess making for the gates as she passed through the courtyard weaving in and out of hustling people unaware of the fact about a cart that entered Winterfell. Samwell Tarly accompanied by a woman and a child. He asked to see Jon, who was then told he was away. "The Lady of Winterfell is who you'll see." informed a guard.

"Who is she?" asked Sam turning a nervous glance to the woman at his side. "May I see her?"

"Right this way." the guard led Samwell Tarly and the woman across Winterfell. They found the Lady of Winterfell speaking with workers by a cart of newly delivered food crates.

"Lady Aris." spoke the guard. "This person's here to see you. Claims to be a friend of Jon."

Aris turned to her gaze to the chubby man. "You know my brother?" she questioned curiously.

"Ah, yes." the man swallowed nervously. "I'm Samwell Tarly. I was a brother at the Nights Watch with Jon."

"Sam... He's mentioned you're name before. He said you're at the Citadel, you discovered the Dragonglass."

"Aye, I did." he pulled a smile. "Aris... he talked a lot about you. Don't worry, nothing bad. I've heard a great many things about you."

"Thank you, Sam. Is 'Sam' alright?"

"Of course, M'lady." replied Sam and he noticed Gilly looking to him nervously. A Wildling girl who was before a proper Lady. It made Gilly nervous. "Oh, My Lady, this is Gilly, and Little Sam." he introduced the woman and the child.

"Welcome to Winterfell." greeted Aris warmly. "Is he yours?"

"Yes." replied Gilly. "I see you're expecting soon."

"I am."

"Who's the lucky man?" chuckled Sam.

"He's dead."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear-"

"I killed him."

Sam's eyes widened a fraction. "... Oh? Oh, okay..." and he looked to Gilly who suddenly seemed uncomfortable.

Aris smiled, "Don't worry, he deserved it. He took my home, killed my brothers, raped me. So I killed him."

"Well, in that case."

"What brings you to Winterfell if you were at the Citadel?"

"Well, I figured Jon's going to need all the help he can get..." he trailed off and Aris noticed the nervous look. He knew something. "In the coming war."

"Right. We could use all the help actually. I'll have a chamber prepared for you."

"Thank you, My Lady." and as Sam went to turn away, he paused. "M'Lady. Bran wouldn't happen to be here, would he?"

"He is, why?"

Sam let out a breath. "Thank the gods. Last time I saw him, he went beyond The Wall."

"My brother went beyond The Wall?" Aris repeated shocked.

"Uh..." Sam was taken back and he lost his words. "Well, yes. I best be going, M'lady." Sam quickly ushered Gilly to hurry alone before he suffered the wrath of the Lady of Winterfell.


A little filler chapter, i know, booooring, BUT I cannot wait for the next chapter! Guess who's coming back!

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