Chapter Eighteen: Anonymous Tip

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Aris mounted a horse without it's saddle and took the reins, she pulled the horse around as Anguy stepped in front of the horse. "Aris, don't..."

"You can't stop me." she spat. "Buy another horse with the gold you got selling Gendry."

The horse trotted forward and Anguy was forced to move out of the way. Aris jogged through the woods, following the path they took Gendry on, her bow and arrow ready to strike at any moment.

The horse followed the windy path through the woods with no sign of the red women or Gendry. How is that possible that they got as far as they did. She should have caught up with them by now. But as the path continued and she was growing more worried.

Aris came to a fork in the road and she pulled the horse to a stop. Her heart started to race in her chest; which way!?

The horse paced back and forth, unsure of which way. So she chose right and headed deeper into the forest. As the horse ran along and the further she went she was starting to think she went the wrong way, she should have come to them by now. Aris pulled the horse to a stop and turned it around to head back the other way and take the path left. 

But the sounds of marching footsteps stopped her. She groaned with frustration and urged the horse to keep going, she could walk past them without any hassle. She slid her arrow back into her quiver and slung her bow over her shoulder.

Aris kept her head down as the horse followed the road around the bend and into view of the few Lannister soldiers taking a stroll. The Lannister soldiers eyed the women on the horse as she walked by before looking at each other. "Isn't that...?"


"The one they're looking for?"

"Oi!" a soldier called out. "You there!" and Aris brought her horse to a stop. "State your name."

"Diane." she replied smoothly but on the inside her heart raced. "How can I help you men?"

"What House do you serve?" they curiously asked. 

Aris racked her brain for a quick response. She wasn't sure what would be a right answer. "I don't serve any House, my lords."

The man leading the group strutted forward, "Ey, get that? This one don't serve a House." and the other's chuckled. "Brown hair. Dark eyes. Pretty Northern look on ya'... a bow and arrow?  You're Aris Stark aren't ya?" the four soldiers moved to surround her horse and her fists gripped the reins a little tighter.

"I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about." Aris' eyes flickered from each soldier nervously. She was a horrible liar and she knew it.

"There's been news spreading about your appearance in the RiverLands. Never thought we'd stumble across you." the soldier grabbed the reins to her horse and her grip tightened. "Do you know the bounty on your head if we deliver you to the Queen?"

"I'm not who you're looking for." she stated firmly. Her heart pounding in her chest.

"Oh, I think you are."

Aris whipped the reins and the horse took off into a sprint past the soldiers. "After her!" she heard them yell as her horse ran up the path and suddenly came to a stuttering holt before a larger group of Lannister soldiers.

She cursed and turned the horse towards the trees and ran into the thicket.

 She cursed and turned the horse towards the trees and ran into the thicket

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