Chapter Forty Four: Godswood

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Aris sat by the pool under the red oak tree in the godswood, she stared up at the bleeding face carved into the white tree, she felt as though this was the only place she could go in Winterfell for some peace. To get away from all the chaos, from all the people. She prayed to the old gods that her family, what was left, was alright. That Sansa was safe in The Vale, Randyl with her. That Arya was safe, wherever she may be, and Jon was safe on The Wall.

Aris pulled her cloak around herself tighter to shield herself from the cold breeze. She could only imagine in a few days time she could be forced to marry Ramsay under this tree. She had already circled Winterfell three times, all exits were guarded and closed off. They made sure there was no way out for her.

She thought that maybe her only escape was to enter the mind of Duchess, wherever her canine companion may be. The Broken Tower, the thought struck her mind, what if she lit a candle and whoever out there could come and rescue her from the clutches of the flayed men.

Someone cleared their throat and she turned her head to see Wyllim, she scoffed and turned back. "Go away."

"Is that any way to treat a friend-"

"You're no friend."

"In any case... Knights of The Vale are approaching."

Aris cocked her head curiously and turned. "Knights of The Vale?" why would Knights of The Vale come to Winterfell.

"And with them comes Sansa."

"You're lying?"

"You and I both know I'm the better liar here, but, why would I lie?" said Wyllim. "We extended a wedding invitation to her."

"No." Aris shook her head refusing to believe him. "Sansa can't come here."

"Go see for yourself."

Aris hesitantly rose from her spot beside the pond and marched past Wyllim who sighed heavily and followed after her. Aris marched back into Winterfell following the main path to the front courtyard. When she finally arrived there over a dozen horses and men baring the House Arryn sigil greeted her, a white flacon and a white crescent moon on a blue field. Wyllim wasn't lying after all.

Aris pushed her way through the Knights of The Vale searching for her sister. She came around the horses to see an unfamiliar black hair greeting Roose Bolton, and Ramsay.

"Sansa?" she called unsurely.

The tall black haired girl turned and her mouth fell open with surprise, it was indeed Sansa. "Aris?" the two girls collided with each other and embraced the other with a tight hug. They had never been more happier to see each other alive and okay.

Aris pulled away looking up at Sansa who stood nearly a foot taller, "You came?"

"Of course I'd come." she replied with a happy smile. "You never made it to The Vale, what happened?"

Aris turned casting a deathly glance toward Wyllim and Sansa followed her gaze to the man. "I'll tell you all about it later, but Sansa..." Aris gripped her arms. "Did a little boy make it?"

"Yes?" she replied confused. "He had your bow and pin."

"Thank the gods." Aris sighed with relief. "Where is he now?"

"I left him with Robyn Arryn to train, but how do you know him?"

"You shouldn't be here."

Sansa crossed her eyebrows and looked back at Petyr Baelish who stepped forward, "I must say, Lady Aris, I was beginning to grow a little worried when you didn't arrive and when we received the wedding invitation, I do say, we were shocked."

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