Chapter Sixty Five: Devious Plans

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"The King in the North should stay in the North!" shouted Lord Glover across the hall over other chattering voices of the Lords and Ladies. He stood before the long table where Sansa and Aris sat with Randyl and Bran. "We did not choose you to rule us, my lady. But perhaps we should have."

Aris breathed out annoyance turning her gaze to Sansa who held the same expression. As much as Aris wanted to explode and silence these men, she held her tongue.

Lord Royce then stood from his seat. "The Knights of the Vale came here for you Lady Sansa." he announced and a collective sounds of agreement circled the hall. Arya who watched from the door felt anger swell in her chest watching her sisters sit in silence while these men insulted their brother.

Aris glanced toward Sansa silently asking her to speak. "You are very kind, my lords." spoke Sansa hesitantly. "But Jon is our king. He is doing what he thinks is best."

The chatter started again and the men returned to their seats in defeat. The two Stark sisters looked to each other and Sansa pushed a smile. She caught Arya looking from across the hall.

Aris was first to leave the hall. Running the North was difficult. Especially when the men were unsettled and restless. A month Jon had been gone and they were already beginning to turn on him. She didn't want that. She didn't want the responsibility of being in charge of the North. That's something Sansa would want.

Aris came to her chamber that once was her mother and fathers. She approached the window and peered out into the drizzle of the snow. Unexpectedly she closed her eyes for a moment and when they opened they were a milky white.

She was outside of Winterfell gazing up at the towers before trotting through the main gates. Men screamed and fled from the giant wolf that entered Winterfell. The women dropped their baskets and fled with the children.

Aris blinked rapidly and came back to her own body hearing the shouts of urgency come from the courtyard. She turned on her heel and hurried through the corridor back to the hall and passed the lords who called for her attention. She ignored their protests and hurried out of the door and to the courtyard.

There she found Duchess patiently waiting with men aiming their swords at the white wolf spotted with orange patches of fur.

"Lady Stark don't get too close!" a guard shielded her.

"It's alright I know her."

"M, lady?"

Aris rounded the men who glanced to each other concerned. "Lady Stark get back!"

"Duchess." Aris called her wolf holding out her hand. The giant dire wolf lowered it's head staring with dark eyes. The wolf stood on all fours reaching to it's full height and the men prepared to lunge.

"You came back, girl? Where have you been."

The wolf came forward and so did the men. The wolf stopped to growl at the men and Aris ordered they lower their weapons.

"Lady Stark!?"

"Lower your weapons!" she barked. "This is my wolf. She brings no harm." the men hesitantly lowered their weapons. Duchess came forward again to rest her nose to Aris' palm. "See?" she told them patting the soft white fur of her wolf. Everybody was home, all there was now was for Jon to return.

Days had come and gone yet again. Arya followed LittleFinger, watching him from the shadows as he spoke to people around Winterfell and traded their information for money. She watched him speak to Lord Royce and Maester Wolkon before sauntering off. She watched Maester Wolkon give LittleFinger a scroll claiming how difficult it was to find.

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