Chapter Thirty Four: Sin City

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When day break came, the Bandits were on the move once more. Scouring the city of Kings Landing searching for anything that would give them a start on their mission. The royal wedding was to be held in a weeks time and they had almost until then to find LittleFinger and his network of spies, get him a message, conspire a plan and rescue Sansa. Sounded easy enough, but Aris knew it would be far from easy.

Where ever they went in the city all they heard about was talk of the royal wedding and how amazing the new queen was going to be. Margery Tyrell, thought Aris, what was so special about her.

"This is useless." said Codyn. "How do you even find spies?"

"Keep your voice down!" scolded Jelissa. "They could be watching us right now." she looked around her at the people attending to their own business.

"We need to find his establishment." announced Aris softly to the group.

"Great! Where do we start?" replied Codyn with a grin.

"I have no idea where it is."

"What, Why not?"

"I didn't exactly venture out into the city to find a brothel, now did I?"

Wyllim held out his hands between the two, "Alright, we need to split up. This is LittleFinger we're talking about, ask around, his establishment will have to be in the richer part of town."

"Good point." nodded Codyn and patted Wyllim's arm earning a glare from Wyllim.

"Try an blend in." Wyllim turned to Codyn who smiled widely and said,

"I'm a simple man looking for the best brothel in town, gotcha!" he turned on his heel marched ahead, Jelissa shook head unamused and followed after him. Randyl turned to follow the two, but was stopped by Wyllim.

"I think it's best you come with us this time." he told the boy. "Codyn is trouble, you don't want to get caught in the mix."

Randyl nodded obediently and stood by Aris. "Well, as the man, you should 'ask' and I'll stay back."

"Smart." Wyllim swiftly turned on his heel and headed in the opposite direction. Together the three walked through the city, Randyl sticking close by Aris, and Aris sticking close by Wyllim. She felt more safer closer with him in a city like this. All the people that gave them filthy hungry looks, especially the men. But she simply ignored them and walked on by.

Wyllim would trail off occasionally asking for the best brothel in the city and they would point him the way. Aris trailed behind keeping sharp eyes on Randyl beside her.

"-Do you want to buy?!" an old man in rags lunged forward holding out fruits. Randyl jumped away hiding behind Aris' legs.

"No thank you." she kindly turned him away and hurried along, she felt Randyl's little hand slid into her's with a tight grip. She looked down at his fearful face as he hugged his cloak tight to himself. Aris smiled and brushed back strands of his hair, 

"It's alright, I'm with you." she reassured and he swallowed nervously. She held his hand and guided him along following a little distance behind Wyllim who stopped by a group of men, they laughed together and pointed him the way.

Wyllim glanced over his shoulder to make sure Aris and Randyl were still following behind and turned a corner between two buildings and followed it upwards onto the next street. Here the streets seemed cleaner and brighter. Wyllim turned a sharp right and followed the road up, eventually stopping to ask for directions again.

Ahead in the long distance stood the palace tall and mighty. "Living there must be cool!" Randyl awed brightly at the castle.

"I've been in there." informed Aris softly. "I've lived there, even."


"I've even seen the Iron Throne." she smiled down at him and his own smile grew wider. "It's as magnificent as they say."


Wyllim motioned over his shoulder and they headed back down the road and headed into the few streets over. They trailed along and came into a plaza, there sat a cobblestone building with red curtains draped over the balcony's above. Women wearing little to nothing stalked their next prey outside in the plaza, inviting men inside.

"I think this is it." said Wyllim sarcastically.

"About time, brother!" shouted Codyn's voice, he came jogging into the plaza with open arms.

"This wasn't a race." Wyllim scoured as Codyn and Jelissa joined them once more.

"We shouldn't stay out in the open." informed Jelissa and ushered them towards the doors. The group huddled inside and Wyllim checked over this shoulder and closed the wooden doors behind them. Inside was dark and smelt of burning candles and incense. Distance moans echoes from all directions as women trailed the dark halls guiding men along with them.

"Hello." a tall red headed women approached Codyn and trailed her fingers along his shoulder. Her eyes looked down to the child with the group, "Odd bringing a child in a place like this."

Jelissa stepped forward and pushed away the prostitute's hand from Codyn and spat, "We're looking for LittleFinger."

"Lord Petyr Baelish isn't here." she informed placing a hand on her hip.

"We demand to see him. Call him here."

"Why would I-"

Jelissa lunged forward and drew a dagger to the red headed prostitutes throat. She gasped and stumbled into the wall. "We demand to see him." repeated Jelissa. "It's a matter of urgency."

"Jelissa." warned Wyllim and pulled her away from the prostitute. The red head rubbed her throat looking Wyllim up and down seductively twirling a lock of red hair around her finger.

"I can... deal with any urgent matters in his absence."

"Stop that." he demanded. "We need to see LittleFinger and only LittleFinger, don't tell him who's here or why, tell him to come and meet us here."

The red head pursed her lips and hummed with interest, "How much?"

Wyllim sighed heavily, "We don't have money to spare." he growled.

"I can't help you-"

Without warning Wyllim's hand wrapped around her throat and slammed her back into the wall, surprising everyone. "Tell him." he growled deeply.

Aris' heart raced in her chest, she had never seen Wyllim act this way, it was like an animal being unleashed. "Wyllim!" she shouted, her voice trembled. Wyllim's hand released the red headed women and she collapsed gasping for air.

Wyllim stepped back with shock in his eyes, "I'm sorry..."

The red headed women glared up at Wyllim rubbing her throat. Codyn stepped forward holding out two gold coins, "Sorry about that-"

The prostitute slapped Codyn across the face and snatched the coins from his hand. Codyn stood with shocked surprise as she stormed away. "I didn't do anything." he whined rubbing his red raw cheek. Jelissa shook her head and tucked away her dagger.

Aris tightened her hand around Randyl's, staring in horror at Wyllim, scared that he would do such a thing. Wyllim turned seeing the horror on her face and he clenched his jaw, "I'm sorry." he stumbled back and pushed past her and flew out of the door onto the street.

"I've never seen him get angry like that." commented Jelissa staring after him with the same shock on her face.

Codyn looked between the two girls and said, "But why did I get hit?" 

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