Chapter Fifty Six: Knights Of The Vale

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With a war cry, the Bolton's lowered spears between the shields and a voice shouted. "Infantry, advance!" the shields picked up and the men behind them chanted as they stepped forward and slammed their shields back into the ground, slowly closing in on the remaining enemy. They pushed forward the spears and stabbed who was close enough.

They picked their shields back and and chanted with their steps and thrusted the spears forward into bodies. The tighter the circle became the more men died.

Men began to climb the mountain of bodies in a desperate plea to escape, but they were only cut down by Umber forces waiting for them on the other side, and soon they began to climb over the mounds of bodies.

"With me, lads, break their line!" shouted Davos.

The giant came forward in an attempt to fight back and break away the spears only to have more rammed into him. The giant swiped a massive hand through the shields and tossed a man into the air. Tormund cried out and lunged forward, pushing aside a spear and slamming his shoulder into a shield and more followed his action.

Tormund managed to pull a Bolton from behind the shield and onto the ground and allowed another man to kill him. The giant kept swiping away the spears as Jon vigorously fought against the Umber forces that attempted to come from behind.

Men screamed and cried for help as their guts spilled out onto the fields. The giant pulled out a man by his head and tore him in half. Tormund violently pulled down from the top of the shield and the man behind fell forward and he drove his axe into his back, only to have a Bolton come forward and stab his shoulder. Other Wilding fellows came to pull him away as the line closed again.

"Infantry, advance!" shouted a voice. the shields picked up and the Bolton's advanced with chants. The trapped men desperately tried to fall back but they were trapped by the Umber forces and the mountain of bodies, there was no where to go.

"Fall back!"

Tormund looked between the mountain of bodies and the oncoming shields. "Fuck this, come on!" he shouted and pushed his way into the clump of fighting men.

Jon Snow and Lord Umber came face to face after cutting down a man, they readied to face each other off and just before they could swing their swords, the men flooded over the two in desperate attempt to flea. A Wilding rammed into Jon's side and he was pushed into the ground as more men trampled over him and bodies piled over him. He struggled to get to his feet but the constant trampling of feet never allowed him. Feet and legs stamped onto his chest and kicked his face and he soon found it hard to breath under the sweaty bloody men and bodies.

Tormund and Lord Umber collided blades and they both fought against each other with the same height and physique.

Jon gasped for air like a fish out of water. He struggled to see the light above him as more men piled over him.

Lord Umber had slammed Tormund into the ground and began to rain punches across his face.

Somehow, Jon had managed to pull himself up, using others around him to climb over their heads and when his head broke free he gulped in air that smelled like the stench of blood and death. but still he was trapped between squashed bodies.

 Jon looked over the heads of his men, or what was left of them, he saw the giant decorated with arrows and spears that pierced his side

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Jon looked over the heads of his men, or what was left of them, he saw the giant decorated with arrows and spears that pierced his side. He saw Lord Umber repeatedly slamming his face into Tormund's until his nose was broken and bleeding.

Surely, this is where they all die. In this miserable circle they were trapped in.

Horns blew in the distant catching Jon's attention, and he thought it was more of Ramsay's army coming to kill them.

Lord Umber stopped for a moment hearing the horns and Tormund took the opportunity to slam his face back into Lord Umber's and they struggled, Tormund bite into Lord Umber's neck and ripped away a chunk of flesh as he cried out. Blood squirted and Tormund spat out the flesh taking a bone dagger and stabbing Lord Umber's eye.

Ramsay turned his head following the blow of unfamiliar horns and scrunched his eyes at the hills. 

A blue flag baring a white hawk and a crescent moon flew into sight as did thousands of men

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A blue flag baring a white hawk and a crescent moon flew into sight as did thousands of men. They rode over the hills crying out their war cries.

 Atop of the hill sat Sansa on a horse with Lord Petyr Baelish at her side with a snide grin

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Atop of the hill sat Sansa on a horse with Lord Petyr Baelish at her side with a snide grin. The Knights of Vale rode into the Bolton line ramming into the men with their horses and driving their swords into their chests. Their forces rode around the Bolton line, charging down any Bolton man that stood in their way as they swept around the circle.

Jon had somehow managed to climb the mountain of bodies covered in blood and his sword still in hand. The giant and Tormund came to his side too. His dark eyes settle on Ramsay who stood atop of the hill defeated with Wyllim beside him.

Ramsay looked over the battle field with utter shock in his ghostly eyes.

"My Lord.... the bastard." pointed out Wyllim.

Ramsay clenched his jaw and turned his horse away and rode back toward Winterfell with Wyllim and the few other men in tow.

Jon, Tormund and the giant all gave chase, running after Ramsay. 

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