Chapter Twenty Five: Leave One Wolf Alive...

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Aris sat awake the rest of the night till dawn and cried until she had no tears left. She watched from the hill as smoke rose into the skies from The Twins signalling the death of The King in the North. The loss of the war.

Randyl cried in Jelissa's shoulder all night until he fell asleep. No boy should have to watch their grandfather die the way Russyl did, to die to save a stranger. The only family he had left was Codyn, Jelissa and Wyllim.

There was nothing to say. They had all lost someone last night.

"The Frey's will pay for this." Wyllim clenched his fist.

Codyn stood up. "We have to keep moving." and he grabbed an extra bow and walked it over to Aris. "I managed to snatch your bow, my lady."

"Thank you." she said plainly and took the bow from his hands. She held the bow in her lap, running her fingers over the carvings she drew in the wood. Her hands shook with fear or horror, what was the difference honestly. She ended up gripping her bow tightly to stop her hands from shaking.

"We're will we go?"

"River-Run?" Codyn suggested.

"The Eyrie is closer." said Jelissa. "It's the safest place for Lady Aris."

"It's the Lady's decision."

"Jelissa is right." added Aris. "The Eyrie is closer and my Aunt Lisa lives there. The Eyrie is an impenetrable fortress, so they say. It will be safer for all of us. I'm sure I can convince my Aunt Lisa to allow you all to stay, if that's what you want."

"You're most kind." said Wyllim. "We'll go where you go. It's what The Blackfish would have wanted."

"It's what Russyl would have wanted." corrected Jelissa.

"But..." said Aris. "The Frey's will expect me to go to The Vale. River-Run is our best chance."

"That is out of the question. We're going to The Eyrie and thats the end of the discussion." Wyllim stated firmly.

Randyl stirred in Jelissa's arms and his wide sky blue eyes opened

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Randyl stirred in Jelissa's arms and his wide sky blue eyes opened. He took in a heavy breath and breathed out. "Morning." whispered Jelissa running a hand through his messy blonde hair. Randyl sat up rubbing his tired eyes and wiping away the tear stains on his cheeks and he forced a small smile.

"You're alright." reassured Codyn kneeling beside the young boy. "You're a brave boy, you know that?" and Randyl nodded slightly looking down at the grass.

"We should start heading for The Vale." Wyllim rose to his feet. "Get as far away from The Twins as possible."

Codyn followed after Wyllim pulling him aside, they're words too low for Aris or Jelissa to hear. "Do you really plan on taking her to The Vale?"

"Look at her, Codyn." Wyllim motioned to Aris who stared out over the hill at The Twins. "She has nothing. No Family. No home. Just like us. The Eyrie is the only shot she has left."

"You love her?"

Wyllim fell silent. "Saddle your horse." and he marched towards his own.

"They already are!" Codyn shouted after the man. "Randyl! Let's go, little man." he motioned for the young boy.

Jelissa rose to her feet as Randyl laundered towards Codyn. She came to Aris side looking over at The Twins with her and the all the smoke that rose. "Russyl was like a father to me." she said. Aris gazed up at the warrior with a raised eyebrow. "And he died for you. Prove he didn't die in vein."

"Teach me then." Aris rose to her feet standing inches apart from Jelissa. "Teach me how to wield the blade like you do."

Jelissa nodded slightly, "I think we got off on the wrong foot, Lady Stark."

"We did." Aris held out her hand and Jelissa didn't hesitate to take hers and shake. They smiled warmly towards each other and headed for their horses.

By midday they stopped at an Inn, gave their horses to the stable boy and booked rooms for the night. They ate their meals silently and headed for their rooms. Jelissa, Aris and Randyl in one and Codyn and Wyllim in another.

Jelissa helped wash Randyl with a rag by the fire making sure to clean his face. He hadn't said a word the entire trip. Aris stared up at the ceiling watching the shadows dance with rogue tears running down her face.

 "Get up." Jelissa kicked the bed Aris laid on.

Aris looked up with red puffy eyes . "What?"

"Get up." Jelissa unsheathed her short blades. "Lessons start now." and she threw one at Aris who jumped to the side as the blade landed beside her. Aris took the blade in her hand and rose to her feet. Why now, she thought. She was too tired and upset.

"I don't know if I can..."


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"Now's a better time than any, a fight doesn't let you rest, no matter what state your in." said Jelissa and held out her blade. "Show me your stance."

Aris sniffled and held out her blade with her feet apart.

"You're stance is good." said Jelissa looking her up and down. Randyl jumped across the bed and sat against the wall to watch. "But this isn't a sword you're holding. You're opponent will be closer." Jelissa stood with her feet slightly apart.

"I know the basics of sword fighting and stances." Aris explained with a hiccup.

"Good. Now attack." Jelissa flew forward and jabbed her blade forward and Aris deflected throwing out her arm.

"Good." Jelissa jabbed again and again until she slid her blade along Aris' and stepped on her foot and held out her fist to her throat. "Now you're dead. Expect the worse. You're opponent will always fight dirty. You have to fight dirtier. You're small, use that to you're advantage. You need to be quicker and swift. Play smart not harder or you'll die."

Aris swallowed nervously and nodded in understandment.

Jelissa backed away and unexpectedly twirled on her heels and her blade came inches to Aris' throat again. "Swift and quick." Jelissa stepped back again and Aris stood in a protective stance ready for another attack. "Learnt to relax your wrist. You'll move easier." and she struck again. Aris managed to deflect, but Jelissa turned on her heel and spun around Aris and held her blade to her throat.

"Use your feet. Like a dance." and Jelissa stepped back. Aris turned to face her again. Jelissa stroked again and Aris deflected, jumping back on her feet and avoiding Jelissa's move and deflected her again.

"Very good, Lady Stark. You learn quickly."

There was a knock on the door. "No fighting!" Shouted the Inn Keep and Jelissa casted a look to Aris and chuckled. Aris chuckled and sniffled, she wiped away her tears on her sleeve. It felt good to laugh after such a grim night. It felt relaxing and nice.

"We'll start again once the sun rises." 

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