Chapter Thirty Seven: In The Lions Den

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For the week to come the bandits had been huddled inside LittleFingers established brothel, hiding in the rooms on the top floor of the building. Even though it was a brothel and the sound of constant babies crying and the sounds of people enjoying a good time, began to drive them crazy, it was better than any old filthy inn.

Jelissa and Aris would often train together on the rooftops together for the following week leading up to the royal wedding. Aris got better by the day, learning how to move swiftly and quietly on her feet, learning to manoeuvre her blade like cutting threw water.

The streets were brisling coming a day before the royal wedding. A day before Joffrey met his imminent doom. Something Aris planned to watch. That same afternoon leading up to the wedding, Aris roamed the markets looking for food supplies to bring back and stock onto the horses saddles.

She came to a stand where a lady with young children was selling fruits and Aris happily bought a few fruits from the lady just so she may feed her children. The lady blessed her and she moved along to the next, a baker selling fresh bread and she bought a few loaves. She stuffed the fruits and bread into the horses satchel slung over her shoulder and she continued down the street.

Aris came to another stall selling all kinds of exotic nuts, something to snack on the road, she thought and asked for a mixed bag. As she exchanged the coin for a bag, kings guard patrolling the market street caught her eye. The breath in her throat hitched and she quickly pushed the bag of nuts into the satchel and pulled it shut. Aris headed up the street in the opposite direction of the kings guard and there suddenly seemed to be an influx of guards patrolling the street.

The royal wedding, of course. Aris was stopped in her tracks and her hazel brown eyes widened in shock, ahead Jaime Lannister had spotted her amongst the crowd. His eyes barrelled straight at her and her heart accelerated. Cursing in her mind Aris casually turned on her heel and headed up an alley into the street over. Jaime Lannister left his patrol and chased after the Stark girl.

He had been alive this whole time. Aris cursed checking over her shoulder to see Jaimie Lannister emerge out onto the street and look both ways for her. She pulled up her hood as he turned her way, he spotted her pulling up a hood and gave chase, jogging lightly after her. She picked up her pace looking over her shoulder to see him gaining.

Aris began to slightly jog with her hand gripping the dagger in her belt. She turned up another street looking behind seeing Jaime Lannister meters behind her with a look of determination to catch her. Running would cause too much attention, something Jelissa taught her.

Before Aris could head onto the busy street, she felt a hand grip her shoulder and she was roughly shoved into the brick wall, her satchel falling from her shoulder and she drew her dagger.

"Wait!" shouted Jaime holding up his hands, one hand being casted in gold. "I'm trying to help!"

Aris looked warily from his golden hand to the genuine look on his face, "How? By bringing me to Cersei?"

"No." he replied firmly eyeing the dagger. "Put that down, and lets talk. I don't want to hurt you."

Aris slightly lowered the dagger and Jaime knew there was no way she was going to let it down completely, it was like a giant lion cornering a little bambi, so he may as well talk before she stabbed him. "Why are you in Kings Landing?"

"I'm here for Sansa."

"Oddly, so am I."

Aris furrowed her eyebrows, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"While I was a prisoner of Robb Stark, your mother released me in a desperate attempt to trade me for Sansa." explained Jaime and he lowered his hands. "I'm only trying to help."

"Then why is Sansa still here?"

"Complications happened on the way..." he held up his golden hand. "Bolton's."

Aris hummed in amusement and her dagger lowered ever more so. "I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to help anymore. I'm here for my sister, and I intend to take her away from here."

"You know the royal wedding is tomorrow?" questioned Jaime raising a thick eyebrow and Aris nodded subtly in response. "You plan to take her then, don't you?" Jaime stepped forward and Aris quickly raised her dagger again stopping him inches before her. "Sansa is a Lannister now."

"What?" spat Aris. "What does that have to do with anything?!"

"She married my brother." he informed mildly amused. "You can't just... steal her."

Aris' eyes dropped to her boots. Sansa was forced to marry Tyrion Lannister and she didn't hear the news. She can't imagine how Sansa must feel. "I can and I will. Watch me!"

"How do you expect to sneak into a heavily guarded royal wedding and steal a young bride?"

"The same why I snuck into Kings Landing. Right under your noses." she pointed the blade of her dagger towards his chiseled face. He simply eyed the dagger unfazed.

"If Cersei or Joffrey see's you, it'll be over." he warned.

"How do I know you won't tell them?"

"Like I said before, I'm here to help you and Sansa. Get out of Kings Landing while it's still possible."

From both ends of the alley, Codyn and Wyllim appeared. Both men stalked towards Jaime Lannister unsheathing their own blades.

"I suggest you leave while you can." Aris warned with a smile.

Jaime eyed the two men and stepped back from Aris. "Good luck." he murmured.

"Should we kill him?" asked Codyn.

"No." said Aris. "He's here to help."

"A Lannister can't be trusted." replied Wyllim coming face to face with Jaime, both men standing with the same physique.

"I swear I've seen your face somewhere." said Jaime with a cocky smile.

"Wyllim." said Aris breaking the tension between the two men. Jaime scoffed and pushed past Wyllim, making sure to ram into his shoulder as he strutted past.

"How can you trust him?" spat Wyllim looking after Jaime who strutted out into the street and disappeared.

"I don't." replied Aris picking up the satchel of food. "But I know he won't tell, he said he was here for Sansa, and I believe him."

Wyllim and Codyn casted each other confused glances, unsure if they should let Jaime Lannister walk. They had the perfect moment to kill him. "If things go wrong..." warned Wyllim.

"I know." replied Aris. "Get out of there." 

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