Chapter Thirteen: The Brotherhood Without Banners

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Aris hungrily ate her warm stew with a piece of bread on the side. She didn't take anytime to breath as she scoffed down the Inn food. Aris wasn't sure she's ever felt this hungry before. But here she sat squashed between Gendry and HotPie at a table in a Inn with three of the Brotherhood men on the other side of the table.

"Slow down." said Gendry with a chuckle.

Aris paused for a moment as she chewed the bread inside her mouth. She eyes Gendry before returning back to her stew.

"I never liked the skinny ones." Thoros rambled. "It's like drinking from a puddle. Not that I'm adversed from drinking from a puddle every now and again."

Thoros poured Arya a cup of Ale. "I don't drink ale." she informed.

"There's no story so good a drink won't make it better." explained Thoros with his own mug. "You see? They all suffered through my pats of sobriety, it's very mischievous for all concern. Now, how did three children..."

"We're not children." Arya stated firmly at the end of the table.

"How did three young persons such as yourselves, untrained in the art of war, escape from Harrenhal?"

"Gendry's a Smith." Arya informed. "He was an apprentice in the armoury."

"A Smith, ey?" Thoros questioned. "Where'd you train?"

Gendry looked to Aris wondering if it was a good idea to tell him. Aris returned his silent questioned with a shrug. "Kings Landing." replied Gendry. "Tobo mugshot."

"That criminal!" Thoros exclaimed. "He charges twice as much as every other armoury in the city."

"That's because he's twice as good."

"Aha!" Thoros laughed pointing a finger at the smith. "A Smith and a salesmen."

"Gendry stole his weapons." informed Arya.

"Ah? fortuares of Harrenhal, I see."

"He knows how to use his sword and so do I." said Arya. The men around all laughed loudly, it was unheard of that a little lady learnt to wield a sword. "My brothers taught me."

The men laughed louder. This angered Arya so she stood up and pulled her sword on Thoros. All the men in the Inn howled at the motioned. Aris looked between Arya and Thoros, wondering what he'd do or if she had to step in.

Thoros drew his sword with speed and twisted Arya's sword from her hands and she stumbled back as her sword clanked to the floor. Surprise struck her face, he could move so fast and with agility.

Thoros picked up a drink as the men all cheered. "To your brothers!" Aris chuckled lightly to herself. Arya picked her sword back up and sat back at the table.

"You can finish your meals before you go." Thoros informed. "It may be awhile before you see another."

"You'll free us?" Aris questioned.

"I give you my word." replied Thoros.

Arya stood up to usher HotPie up, followed by Aris who had already finished her meal and then Gendry. HotPie tried to take as much as he could fit in his hands. Thoros rose with them and raised a cup, "But before you go, allow me to raise a cup to..."

Anguy then returned howling as he came into the Inn with a few others who brought back a rather large person tied up with a sack over his head. All the men in the Inn cheered at the sight of the person they captured.

"That is a rather uncommonly large person," said Thoros approaching. "How does one manage to seduce an uncommonly large person?"

"One way is to let him drink till' he passes out." said Anguy.

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