Chapter Seventy Eight: A New Light

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Another day had passed. It was almost midday and while Gendry slaved away in the forges, he thought about Aris. She was all he had on her mind, with the dead probing the back of his thoughts, she was the first thing he'd think about before any other thought. Even as he made the final touches to Arya's new weapon, Aris was his only thought.

"It's done then?" came Arya's voice snapping her out of his fantasy.

Gendry was quick to turn. "Not yet."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not finished."

Arya hummed curiously. Her eyes trailed up to Gendry who cleared his throat to continue other work. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"You still haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

"What are you and Aris?"

"I said, I don't know."

Arya held her valyrian dagger to his throat and he paused. "For as long as you have known us, you've been in love with her. Admit it."

"What?" his ears turned red.

"Admit you love her, or you just don't want a baby. And if that's the case, are you really a man to leave her like that."

Gendry eyed her mildly surprised as Arya removed her weapon. Could he ever work in peace? He remained silent with no response and Arya chuckled. She was toying with him.

Randyl then came hurtling into the forges frantically. "Arya!" he shouted pushing his way through workers. "Arya!" the boy nearly ran into Gendry's arm.


"I've been looking all over Winterfell for you... It's Aris." he sounded like he was hyperventilating. How fast did he run? "She's... she started screaming... and then crying, and I didn't know what to do, there was blood-"

"Spit it out!" demanded Arya shaking the boy.

"I think she's having the baby!"

Gendry and Arya's hearts stopped and they glanced at each other. Arya bolted, abandoning Gendry and she ran the fastest she ever ran with Randyl on her heel. Gendry was left standing in pure shock horror with Arya's words playing heavily on his mind. He had a decision to make and now the moment of truth was here.

Arya and Randyl came running into the castle hall where Daenerys and her subjects patiently waited, there was no time to question the Stark girl and boy as they plowed threw like a blizzard into the corridors. They followed the trail of frantic maids who were bustling around the birthing chamber where Aris' painful screams were the loudest.

There they found Lady Brienne standing guard with Sansa who waited by the door. "I came as fast as I could." Arya was short of breath and Randyl collapsed against the stone wall catching his breath.

"Jon's in there." informed Sansa as another wail broke out and she gripped the sleeves of her dress.

Arya watched as the wooden door flew open releasing the ungodly sound of Aris's cries and the Maester instructing her to push as a housewife bursted from the door with a bucket full of bloodied towels and Arya became worried. "Is there meant to be that much blood?"

"Apparently so." replied Brienne in a reassuring way. Although Randyl was very quiet. He stared at the floor with shaky hands. He was very worried and frightened.

Inside the chamber Jon was by his sisters side with a wet rag to wipe away the sweat and tears on her face. His whole body was shaking with adrenaline from the moment he saw Aris collapse in pain and carried her here.

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