Chapter Thirty Five: LittleFinger

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The Bandits waited inside LittleFingers office while Wyllim still had not returned, Codyn paced the room while Jelissa kept an eye on the outside through the window. Aris patiently waited on the steps leading up to his desk and Randyl played with a figure he had found.

The thought of Wyllim snapping like that played through Aris' mind over and over. Seeing the animalistic look on his face and the inhuman growl that came from him, she thought of herself in place of that prostitute. What if that had been her? Would he have hurt her, then. But still, it scared her.

"This is getting ridiculous." snapped Jelissa growing impatient.

"It's a big city." replied Codyn pacing. "Who knows were he is."

Jelissa scoffed and sat in the corner chair of the room, "That bitch locked us in here... I don't like it."

"Where the hell is Wyllim!?"

"How should I know?"

"Are we really going to ignore the fact about the way he acted?" said Aris and both Codyn stopped pacing, he casted a look back to Jelissa.

"We all have issues." she emphasised. "Wyllim... he came to us broken. Alone. He wanted to have somewhere to belong."

Aris' dark eyes glanced upwards, "Where did he come from?"

Codyn shrugged, "Somewhere in the North."

"He's a Northerner? He never told me."

This came as a surprise to Aris. He didn't look like a Northerner, he didn't act or talk like one. Come to think of it, Wyllim never spoke about himself, even when they laid together in bed all he did was listen to her talk and never the other way around. She never bothered asking and she felt terrible.

The sound of keys rattling caught their attention and they stood as the door unlocked and swung open, Little Finger peered into the room wary of the strangers, but when his eyes fell on Aris his mouth fell open. "Lady Stark?" he closed the door behind him.

"Don't say that here." she replied.

"Apologies. I wasn't expecting you at all, last I heard you were in the RiverLands."

"I was."

LittleFinger approached her, "And who would these be?' he motioned to the three others.

"Jelissa, Codyn and Randyl. They're my friends, they helped me."

"A pleasure."

"Can't say." replied Jelissa stalking forwards.

LittleFinger eyed the women and pushed a smile, "I was informed that you wanted to see me on an urgent matter?"

Aris, Codyn and Jelissa glanced at each other. Codyn nervously crossed his arms and Jelissa remained silent. "We're here to rescue Sansa." informed Aris softly. "We thought you may be the only person to trust on this matter and who might help us."

"Of course, of course!" LittleFinger replied. "Anything you need. Don't be afraid to ask-"

"I want to kill Joffrey."

LittleFinger's eyes widened and he held a look of amusement. Codyn and Jelissa nervously glanced at LittleFinger and Aris. "That is a bold move, funny you should say, he has become a... nuisance. So you want to kill Joffrey and rescue Sansa, I'm assuming you picked the royal wedding as an opportunity."

"Are you going to help us?" questioned Aris. She had to tread lightly around LittleFinger and choose her words wisely.

"I will." he replied and it was like a weight lifted of their shoulders. "It's odd you should say, The Queen of Thorns doesn't want her daughter to marry a person like Joffrey..."

"She's already plotting...?"

LittleFinger nodded, "She has a poison, lets say, to use. And once opportunity strikes, I can stow Sansa away, bring her to The Vale to your Aunt Lysa, I'm due to marry said Aunt Lysa."

Aris furrowed her eyebrows, "You're marrying my Aunt?"

"As a gift from King Joffrey, he promised I can have any land I choose, so I proposed." explained LittleFinger, "In the meantime, you are more than welcome to stay here in hiding if you wish?"

"That would be wonderful." said Codyn. "Do you mind our horses."

"Of course not." said LittleFinger.

"We have another, his name is Wyllim." informed Jelissa. "He will be back soon."

"I have plenty of rooms to spare. I'll let you settle in, bring your horses, and we'll talk more about business when your friend returns. I may even invite the Lady of HighGarden to our next meeting."

"Whatever it takes to get Sansa out of the Capital." said Aris.

"Of course, anything for you and your sister. I'll personally see it through that you both make it out. It's what your mother would have wanted."

Aris averted her eyes as he continued to talk,

"I was shocked to hear the news of Robb's death, and Catelyn's. It broke my heart and soul, it also broke me to hear that you might have died, I was so glad to hear you escaped." LittleFinger reached out his hand to touch Aris' face and she leant back evading his touch. Memories of that night came pouring back in and tears filled her eyes.

"I'd personally watch Joffrey die for that." she seethed and stormed past LittleFinger.

Aris stepped out of the brothel onto the street with her hood pulled over her head, she walked out into the middle of the plaza looking in a directions for any sign of Wyllim. She sighed heavily looking down at her boots knowing being out in the open was dangerous, but she reminisced in the spot she stood in. The supposed spot where Jamie Lannister attacked her father before they arrested him. She wondered what happened to Jamie, the last she heard he was a prisoner of Robb, and since he's dead... she found herself wondering about Jaime.

Aris walked left down the streets, hoping Wyllim went this way, since last time she went right she lost Gendry to the red woman. Was he even alive, she thought.

Aris weaved her way past people keeping a sharp eye out for a tall muscled man, perhaps weeping in some corner. His animalistic face was burnt into her mind, the way he snarled and bared his teeth, the crazed look in his eye like some hungry dog.

When she ventured too far from the brothel she turned and headed back up the street. She wanted to know if he was okay. She was worried for him. Aris returned back to the plaza unsure of what to do next when she heard her name.

"Aris." called Wyllim's voice softly.

She quickly spun around to see him approaching with his head held down and she ran to him. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Wyllim was taken back by her words, "I should be asking you that. The way I behaved... I don't know where it came from."

"You did scare me." she confessed.

"I'm so sorry." he took her tiny hands in his massive warm ones and held them close to his chest. "I cannot say how much I am sorry. To that poor girl-"

"Wyllim!" Aris placed her hand on his cheek and his deep brown eyes wondered upwards. "I might not know how you feel right now, but know that I forgive you. We all have anger bottled up inside and sometimes we explode."

"Why do you speak such wise words?" he managed a toothy grin and Aris smiled softly placing her hand back into his.

"Codyn and Randyl have gone to get our horses, they'll be back shortly, in the meantime LittleFinger was kind enough to give us a room. Come inside and rest, we have a King to kill."

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