Chapter Twenty Three: House Tully; House Frey; House Stark

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Aris entered the great hall with her mother and Talisa. Chatter filled the large room, all waiting for the ceremony to begin. Catelyn came to Robb's side and greeted him. "You're looking better." Robb greeted his sister and took his wife's hand.

"Thank you."

"Aris?!" said a voice and a man wearing a heavy cloak came through. "Is that really you?" he enveloped her in a hug. "I didn't believe it when Robb said you had returned."

Aris pursed her lips, "Uh..." She had no idea who this man was. "This is your uncle Edmure." introduced her mother.

"Oh, finally a pleasure to meet you."

"We'll, I'm glad to see you alive." Edmure smiled. "I'm also glad you could make it to my wedding in time." he glowered at Robb who lowered his head.

"Congratulations on this happy day!" Aris exclaimed taking his attention away from her brother. She felt like there was a deeper story behind this wedding.

"Thank you." Edmure's smile returned to his face. Heavy boots stomped their way as an older man approached Aris.

"Look at you all grown up!" the Blackfish held out his arms in a praising format.

"Blackfish!" Aris greeted and he lowered to the ground on one knee and kissed Aris' hand and rose again. "No words can say how grateful I am to see you."

"Thanks to you. If you didn't send your men I would be dead."

"Yes, they told me all about it and about how you nearly shot Russyl in the face."

Catelyn shot Aris a look of concern and she laughed nervously under her mothers stare. Catelyn thought a lady should never learn how to wield a weapon, both Aris and Arya defied her. Robb chuckled and patted Aris' back proudly.

"Well, I thought they were merchants..."

"You didn't even give him a chance to explain." the Blackfish laughed.

"I did eventually."

"That's the way I expected your father to raise you."

Aris lowered her head as the image of her father came into her mind. Even Catelyn had to bite her lip to stop it from quivering. "He would be proud. Of both his children." he patted Robb and Aris' arm's.

An older man with a plain face, with his only noticeable feature being his eyes, paler than stone and darker than milk, strange like two white moons. He had pasty skin and a pallid chest.

"You're grace." the man spoke with a soft deep voice. The atmosphere around this man dulled considerably.

"Lord Bolton." Robb greeted. "I would like to introduce you to my sister, Aris Stark."

"So it's true." Roose Bolton turned his deathly gaze onto Aris. His eyes bored into her own making her nervous under his stare. "Welcome back, Lady Stark."

"Thank you, Lord Bolton." she replied surprised to find her voice also soft.

"Lord Bolton has been kind enough to send his men to take back Winterfell." said Robb.

"Bran and Rickon?" she questioned.

"I know." Robb lowered his head. "Mother doesn't know."

The priest then cleared his throat loudly and called or attention, "If we may begin the ceremony."

Edmure was quick to return to the alter and the guests lined the hall creating an aisle. Robb stood at the front with his own wife, sister and mother joined by the Blackfish. Aris looked around searching for Wyllim amongst the crowd, but she couldn't find anyone that even resembled him.

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