Chapter Thirty Nine: The Vale

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The bandits travelled across the plains of the RiverLands heading for The Vale. They travelled day and night until they finally reached The Vale, crossing over the border onto the mountain terrain where no trees grew, only rocks protruded from the damp mossy ground.

"It'll take us two days to reach The Eyrie." informed Wyllim. "We should rest here for the night."

They stopped between a formation of rocks to set up camp. While Randyl pegged the horses to a post in the ground, and Wyllim gathered firewood, Jelissa set up their supplies, Aris set out with her bow and arrows with Codyn.

They stalked the hills searching for food. "There's bloody nothing around!" cursed Codyn. "Screw The Vale, this place is boring."

"Simply because it's boring?" questioned Aris with a chuckle.


Aris came to stand on a high rock to search the hills around them for any sign of a meal. There was nothing, not a rabbit, or a small animal in sight. "What do we have left to ration?"

"A couple of bread, the few fruits and nuts you picked up in the markets." replied Codyn standing below the rock she stood on. "It's not enough to keep us full for the next two days. A big fat rabbit would be nice."

Aris hummed in response, her hazel brown eyes scanning the hills when in the near distance, she spotted movement. "Ahead." she warned and lowered to her knee and held up her bow.

Codyn's head perked spotting the movement, "Here, dinner, dinner, dinner." he cooed when two people stepped out behind a small hill of rocks.

A tall women with short blonde hair and armour followed by a shorter, chubby dark man leading two horses.

"Is that a women?" Codyn announced shocked drawing back the string on his bow.

The woman and the man came to a stuttering holt spotting the two archers aiming their arrows at them. The women held out a hand stopping the man following her and placed a wary hand on the handle of her sword. "We mean no harm!" she announced to the two archers, eyeing the man and the women kneeling on the rocks above him. "We only wish to pass."

"Where are you headed?" asked Codyn.

"Not quiet sure ourselves." replied the tall women. Her eyes casted up to the women, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun, her round cheeks and slim figure. She had the features of a Northerner, and her bow is what struck a thought. "If I may ask, are you Aris Stark?"

Aris furrowed her eyebrows and glanced down at Codyn who casted her the same worried look. "Who are you?!" demanded Aris pulled the strong back on her bow.

"I am Brienne of Tarth." said the tall women. "This is Podrick Payne, my... squire." she looked back at the little man who gave her a wide smile. "I served your mother Catelyn Stark and I swore her a oath that I would find her daughters and bring them safely back home."

"I have no home left." said Aris.

Brienne stalked towards the two archers and Codyn pulled the string back on his bow tighter, "Not another step." he warned.

Brienne stopped and knelt before them, "Lady Aris. Before you mother's death, I was her sworn sword. I swore that I would find you and protect you. Shield your back and keep your council, I'd give my life for yours if need be. I swear it, by the old gods and the new."

Aris slowly lowered her arrow. She never recalled seeing Brienne at The Twins, or her mother mentioning her. "How do I know what you say is true?"

"I took Jaime Lannister to Kings Landing, when your mother released him, in hopes of helping Sansa."

"Everybody knows that."

"His hand was cut off by Bolton forces."

Aris rose to her feet and skipped down the rock formations to Codyn's side. "Is that true?" he asked.

"Yes." Aris lowered her bow and arrow and Codyn slowly followed, keeping it at half mast. "Thank you, Brienne. But I don't need your protection. I already have a group and we are on our way to The Eyrie."

Brienne rose to her feet, "Lady Aris, please, I swore a vow to your mother..."

"And yet she's dead." spat Aris and Brienne fell silent. "Where were you when she was killed. When my brother and his forces were killed?"

"Lady Aris, in Kings Landing to-"

"You are welcome to stay for supper, if you have any food to share, we're quite hungry and we have a boy with us."

Brienne looked back at Podrick who nodded and shrugged. "Alright." said Brienne. "I will give you our rations and we'll be on our way." on queue Podrick reached into the horses saddle and took small food supplies and walked them over to Brienne who then handed them to Aris.

"Lady Aris..."

"Thank you, Brienne of Tarth." said Aris. "Maybe we'll see each other another time."

Brienne lowered her head, "Maybe." and she turned on her heel and motioned for Podrick to follow.

"That was easy." said Codyn watching as the two sauntered off in shame. 

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