Chapter Eighty Five: The Night King

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"Here they come lads!" shouted Theon. The Ironborn prepared themselves hearing the wights snarling over the howling wind that bite their faces. Dozens of wights came out from the darkness and began their assault to try and get to Bran.

The Night King flew down to Winterfell on Viserion's back and blew a blast of blue fire, torching one side of the castle. Rheagal slammed into Viserion and the two dragons fought in the air above the Godswood. Two mighty forces tearing at each other.

"Get off!" Jon commanded Rheagal, but the dragon kept fighting back. The Night King revealed the same ice spear he struck down Viserion with. Rheagal bite into Viserion's jaw ripping it in two before the dead dragon tried to breath blue fire.

Viserion reached around Rheagal and snapped at Jon several times. The two fighting dragons kept rising higher as they tore each other apart.

Drogon swooped down and his claws clutched at Viserion and the Night King was knocked off the back of the undead dragon and he fell into the storm below. While Drogon continued to try and kill his brother, Rheagal was forced to land due to his injuries and Jon was also knocked off the dragon which landed heavily and crashed into the snow.

Drogon hovered in the air while Daenerys searched for the Night King below. She could see him standing perfectly okay. "Dracarys."

Drogon rained fire onto the Night King engulfing him in his flames and Daenerys smiled victoriously. Drogon stopped waiting.

Jon approached the fire, waiting.

The fire cleared and the Night King was still standing as thought the flames never touched him and he smiled at the dragon queen amused. Daenerys was the first to make him smile. He picked up his spear and Drogon turned away in a hurry and the spear flew over Daenerys' head.

Jon drew his sword and went after the Night King who made his way to the Godswood. He walked casually, his blue eyes piercing the dark and he stopped. He turned to face Jon who halted in his tracks. They had met on several occasions, Jon and the Night King. They knew each other. And here they were in a finale battle.

The Night King then began to raise his arms and Jon's heart dropped to his stomach. He had seen hi make this move before. He knew what he was doing.

Jon raced to stopped the Night King as he slowly raised his arms almost tauntingly.

Those dead began to open their eyes and Jon pumped his legs faster. The dead sat up as the Night King raised his arms, and they stood to their feet. Jon was forced to stop between a few dozen freshly raised wights and the Night King. Thousands surrounded him.

Even inside Winterfell, when it seemed as though the wights were coming to an end, the men killed, opened their eyes and raised and an unsettling doom fell upon this still living. Everybody they once knew, raised back from the dead.

The Night King turned away from continuing to the Godswood and Jon was left surrounded by thousands of wights that began to close in on him. "No!"

The White Walker generals walked into Winterfell.

In the silence of the crypts below, a strange sound came from the tombs around them. A rustling sound followed by snarling. Gilly turned her gaze to the tomb behind her and her heart started racing. A hand busted threw the stone of a tomb and a corpse crawled out snarling.

Gilly rose in terror hiding little Sam behind her.

Kaytlyn began to cry and scream in Aris' arms. She rose to her feet as more tombs began to break open and people started screaming and trying to run away, but they were trapped down here.

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