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rain is storming hard, they are both being soaked and the tears the both of them are trying to hold onto just did burst out but sadly no one knows that they are both crying, that both of them are in great pain.

Jeongwoo can't stand to see Haruto longer because his presence crumbles his heart. He can't stand the pain. Not in front of him. He starts to turn his back away from him and the anger he has for him for three years is still there in his heart, engraved.

"I see... You hate me that much." Haruto utters out of pain and his voice cracked. Seeing Jeongwoo turning his back away from him made him think that he doesn't want him anymore as his best friend. That he will hate him forever and he won't care about his existence.

Jeongwoo frozed. He didn't say anything back.

"What happened? What really happened Jeongwoo? We used to be best friends right... But what now?" he started crying as he said that, and he don't care if he turns out to be weak in front of the person he likes for five years.

"We USED, that's past tense." Jeongwoo managed to say even though his heart feels like it is breaking knowing Haruto is hurting as he heared him sobbing.

"Things changed, Haruto. I'm not the Jeongwoo you used to know anymore." he said with bravery as if that's the truth, as if he really mean it.

"But I didn't change afterall. I still want you.... as my.... best friend." that moment, Haruto feels so weak, he wants to say more than that but he just can't. He is afraid that Jeongwoo will reject him, that it might really be the end of everything between them.

Jeongwoo feels bad even more, "best friend... that's still what he sees me" he said at the back of his mind.

"Then I don't want you as my best friend anymore, isn't that obvious?" Jeongwoo sounds more determined, more fierce and braver.

"You can't do this to me, Jeongwoo. You can't do this to me just because I am chasing after you. You know I will always ran after you after all." Haruto feels so hopeless as he said that, he feels the weakest, his toes feel jelly as the tears keeps streaming down.

"I never told you to chase after me! You did that yourself, how come you're using that against me?" he faced Haruto as anger invaded his system, he suddenly feel soft seeing Haruto crying so hard between the hard rain but he can't let that show.

"Yes, you never told me to do so but i'm a fool to still do it, to chase after you and still want this friendship! To still want you, Jeongwoo!" he shouted, he feels so upset with their situation because he never thought they will end up fighting each other.

"I never want your friendship. I never want you around. I never want to see you after being gone for three years. I never want you back. So stay away from me, I'm begging you. Just... let me live without a sight of you." Jeongwoo said that as a remark and started walking away.

"How could you hurt me this way, Jeongwoo..." haruto is the most hopeless person that moment, he knows that to himself and he don't care at all. 'I'm pathetic.' he laughed at himself with tears flowing down to his cheecks. He slaps himself, pulls his hair out of his disappointments.

"Should I really give you up, Jeongwoo?"

Date Published: April 18, 2019

🌹Please, look forward to this story, I will make sure to give you a good one! Thank you!🌹

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