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Friday class is no different with the other class I have every week. I've been so immune with Mr. Kwon's loud voice trying to explain a long formula- and how it works. I'm not fond of mathematics, not even algebra or calculus. I hate solving. I can't even come up with a good idea how to solve Jeongwoo's unpredictable attitude. Problematic, right? Or is it me who is problematic? or probably both. Whatever, Haruto.

I am having my special class first in my schedule for today. So eventually, I'm not in the same class with Jeongwoo and Mingyu. It's something refreshing, it's better to start a day in a nice way even if it's just for an hour.

Well, I'm still bitter with the thought of Jeongwoo choosing that guy over me.

I a student without intentions of getting high grades started to yawn again. I am sleepy. I've been doing this lately and Mr. Kwon never bother because this class is unique- we don't care about lectures. As for me, I really don't give a damn ever since about school.

I remember, Jeongwoo always drag me to school whenever I feel like dropping it. He's always worried about my grades and scores. That's how he is.

Mr. Kwon dismissed us still showing a bright aura. He is a good teacher, actually. He doesn't shouts, he never scolds us. All he do is teach in front without having anyone who listens. That's kinda offending- if I were him.

I gathered up my books as the others started going out of the room.

I am on my way to the field as I received Yuki's text message that she is having her training in volleyball. She got me a food to eat that's why I'm going.

As of now, some students are already preparing their booths for the upcoming intramurals. It's still early for the preparation but I can say that it will be extravagant and expensive. Students in G.U is competitive, well, rich and creative. There's no doubt.

Some are looking at me- I remember what happened yesterday and I feel like I'm blushing now. How can I forgot about the fact that I humiliate myself in front of everyone?

"Hi Haruto." I heard a group of girls greeted me. I am confuse but I still smile and greeted them back.

I sat in one of the benches near the field. I saw Yuki waving her hand at me with her usual bright smile. I waved back and waited for her, watching her play. Yuki is athletic, she often tells me how much she loves playing volleyball and it shows.

I roamed my eyes around when I saw Mingyu in the other side of the court playing basketball with his friends. I low key rolled my eyes. Seconds, I wished one of the volleyball players will hit his head with the ball not until it really happened.

Yuki really did hit his head. Unintentionally.

Although he looks like he is not hurt, he is ready to fight whoever did it. Yuki as her usual self went over Mingyu's place without hesitations.

I can see Mingyu's eyes burning watching Yuki walking towards his place to get the ball. I stood up as I predicted he will do something unusual.

"Yah." he shouted. Everyone is watching and I as part of the audience stood still and watch. I know Yuki can handle the situation, I believe in my noona.

"Yes? Any problem?" raising her brows, Yuki replied. Mingyu is now intensely staring at her, closing the gap between the both of them. Yuki really got the guts to look up at him, leveling the intense staring battle Mingyu is giving her.

"You hit me, you hit my head." Mingyu said with anger in his voice.

Yuki being sassy just laughed her ass off. She's trying to slap Mingyu that he got a rivalry in her. "So what? Did I do that on purpose? If I did, I should have hit you directly in your face since your brain has no use to even target your head."

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