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It was a usual day for Jeongwoo who dedicated his life with his studies and to his hobby which is singing- being the role model for his schoolmates who accomplished a lot of achievements for Gem University and for himself as well, that made him labeled as the 'Genius King' in their university. He is now in his fourth year being a high school student and soon he will surely graduate as the valedictorian, which is his main goal.

He rarely checks his social media and today is part of that rare days because he is surfing the internet and checking random tweets from his friends. And his eyes suddenly widened reading a tweet from his best friend Yeonggue saying "someone is coming home and I can smell mess".

"Fuck, who is he referring to?" his forehead starts to crumble and his eyebrows met, the person he hates the most is the first person that came to his mind, making him angry.

"No way." he aggresively gets off from his bed and face the mirror.

"Don't panic, he is not going home here." he tried calming his angry nerves and did the inhale-exhale method to lessen the tension he is feeling right now.

"Jeongwoo! Come out here!" Junkyu, his brother called for him from downstairs.

"Yes, hyung?" he asked as he is going down to the stairs. He can see his brother smiling from ear to ear, he can sense something made his brother looks excited and he got a wrong feeling about it.

"Have you heard the news? Haruto is coming home!" he is clapping his hands and jumping like an idiot, and Jeongwoo just frozed there, can't even move for his muscles are tensed.

'What the fuck.'

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