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Today is Saturday. It's already been a week after Junkyu's birthday and I'm spending almost everyday reviewing for the exam which is the schedule is fortunately moved to next week Saturday... I still have six days to continue with my review.

I am dressing up because I need to buy another needed books to read for my exam. I'm exhausted but I badly need to go.

I settled with a white slongsleeves polo and a maong pants paired with white sneakers. I went downstairs and saw Haruto cooking some food which are probably bacon and eggs again.

I sat on the chair in front as he puts a plate in the table.

"Good morning, you're going to the mall? I'll go with you," he said untying his apron. I shook my head in protest.

"No need, it will be fast, haru." I said. He wasn't convinced but end up nodding his head. He toasted breads for me and even feed me himself.

"I have hands," I said as he continued feeding me some fried eggs. He pouted that made me chuckle, I just let him do what he wants.

After buying the books I decided to buy some iced coffee to drink, I am thirsty. I entered a café and went to the counter to order.

"You're here?"

a girl with her hands crossed in her chest approached me, giving me a head to toe. I pretended I didn't hear her. It's Haruto's fiancé, or should I say claiming to be one.

I heard her hissed.

"Bitch?" she touched my shoulder and made me face her. The girl in the counter stopped moving and was in shock with what she's seeing.

"Excuse me, I'm in a hurry. I don't have spare time for you so move out of my way," I gave her a smile to annoy her more, I'm usually not like this but her bitching me is not something I will let pass.

"You don't know Haruto. You don't know his family, if ever you'll find out you will surely break him so let him go as early as you can, now."

I froze. What is her rights to say that?

"I'm sorry but we're not close for you to suggest such things to me. Bye, have a good day."

I left the café after taking my order and went home frustrated with what she said.

'you don't know his family, if ever you'll find out you will surely break him,'

We really don't know Haruto's family, our group has no idea about them. But if that girl is saying the truth, why would I.... break him?

I spent my whole day in my room reading books and I feel exhausted. It's already evening and they are calling for me downstairs. Junkyu cooked some soup because he knows I needed some.

"Take some rest too, Woo. Sleep early tonight, you can continue studying tomorrow," Haruto said with a worried face, he's concerned seeing me all pressured, I just received a text from my dad right after our break at the beach, he told me to do good in my exam. He always warns me like that and I know I should do as he says.

Haruto knocked on my door after we had a dinner. I just finished shower and now in my pajamas, he is also in his usual black pajamas.

"Can I come in?" he asked. I smiled and nodded my head as I went over my study table and put some books back on my shelf.

I felt him hugging me from the back. I started crying. I know I've been so busy, we are not even talking so much since the day I started preparing for the exam I don't want to take in the first place. I feel like I am driven by pressure, this is definitely out of my will.

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