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"Who the hell told you that you are coming home to Korea, jerk?!" Mashiho hyung is now yelling at me after he found out that I broadcasted online that I'm coming home to Korea. I gave him a puppy expression even though it was a disgrace for my handsome face.

Mashiho stared at me as if he is ready to kill me anytime using his sharp eyes. Oh well, I'm used to this, not so new.

"Just let him do what he wants, Mashi." Asahi hyung said as if he don't really care about their handsome baby.

Mashiho threw a pillow at Asahi and shouted "SHUT UP, DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH JUST WHAT YOU USUALLY DO!"

Asahi is eyeeing me for he was the one who got hit by the boiling mashiho. I mouthed 'mianhae' and he just stared at me blankly. Okay, that was more scary. Asahi hyung just became lifeless again.

"You are not going anywhere." Mashiho said with a tone of authority. Oh my God why is this bean harassing me?!

"What?! Come on hyung, I'm a grown up now! I can do whatever I want!" I yelled.

"Tell me that when you learn to wipe your own sweat without Mom's help." he said teasing me.

"Why are you doing this to me?! I need to go back there as soon as possible!" I shouted. Oh God, when will I have the freedom to do what I want to.

"Give me a strong reason for me to allow you." he said as if he is sure I can't provide a good reason.

"I'm going home to get my man now. I have my strength already, I can tell him right away how much I love him. I'm not the coward Haruto who ran away from his feelings for Jeongwoo three years ago. Now, I can face the truth that I love him more than friends." I said with devotion and love.

I saw Mashiho and Asahi looking at each other with disbelief in their faces.

"WOAH!" I heard Keita, Yoshinori and Kotaro exclaimed. They are even clapping their hands as if that was the most amazing words they heard from my pretty lips. Oh well I guess it really is.

I smiled proudly, making myself looks like a fool for smiling from ear to ear.

"When did our haru grew up this much?" Mahiro asked.

"When did you learn that love exists?" Keita is laughing at me as if he is mocking me. I rolled my eyes at him and just shrugged it off as I am still proud of myself for what I have said. Sht I think I fell in love with myself too.

"The only thing I know is I need Jeongwoo by my side." I said smiling as I imagined Jeongwoo saying "I also want you by my side, Haruto." the thought made me giggle and smile widely. I didn't notice that I look stupid hugging myself as I feel like I am floating with my thoughts.

"Shit, this is scary." Keita said as he averted his gaze away from me.

"Oh fuck, I screwed up big time." Mashiho said messing his hair.

"Go home now kid! You are crazy in love with Jeongwoo!" Kotaro exclaimed.

"I know right?!" I responded. I'm just a fool not to admit that right away.

"I just wish Jeongwoo will reject you." Keita said as he drinks some water.

"Why would he reject me?! I rejected thousands of girls out there dying to date me for him!" I screamed as I get pissed with Keita's words about 'rejection'.

"Maybe you don't know how popular Jeongwoo is in the university. He is like a God getting a lot of compliments from people and the fact that he also has a lot of admirers but remains humble in front of them. Do you think he will date a boastful bitch like you?" Mashiho said trying to drag my confidence down. Fuck, why does my brothers sound so unsupportive?

the others nodded their heads as they also agreed to what Mashiho said.

"He better date anyone except for the person whose name is Haruto." Keita said.

"Oh shut the fuck up unsupportive creatures! You are all pushing me more to go home!" I shouted as I feel so irritated with their discouraging words. I walked out and decided to go to the veranda to breath some fresh air.

'No one can bring my confidence down.' I whispered to myself as I tried to cheer up myself from all the bad feedbacks of my hyungs.

My phone is suddenly ringing and the call is from Junkyu hyung. I happily answered it.

"Hyung!" I shouted with a happy tone.

"Ya Haruto! Are you serious you are coming home?!" I can hear him being all excited.

"Of course, when did I ever lie?"

"Maybe three years ago?" he answered. That made me quiete all of a sudden. Oh yes... I lied three years ago.

I heard him chuckled as I wasn't able to respond to his 'joke', if it is.

"I'm just kidding, kid! So who is coming with you?" he asked. I know it's not me that he is waiting to come home and I smiled as I know he will get so sulky knowing Mashiho hyung is not coming.

"No one is coming with me. As you know I want to live independently and the hyungs would love to see me doing so." I said.

"WHAT?! Bring my mashi with you brat!" he is already shouting so I get the phone away from my ear.

"Calm down hyung. Are you saying I should bring Mashi hyung with me so you will allow me to go home there?"

"Exactly! I never knew you became intelligent living in Japan."

"Dream on, hyung. You don't own Korea, I can go back without your blessing." I teased him even more. I can hear him cussing on the other line and that made me chuckle. Oh I love teasing an impatient lover boy.


"No no no. No one is coming with me, not even your Mashiho. I'm sorry hyung." I am laughing so hard, I missed teasing the hyungs in Korea. I miss them. And yes, I miss Jeongwoo the most....

"Don't come back here! You're not welcome here you brat!"

"Say whatever you want hyung. I'm not coming for you though, I'm coming for Jeongwoo." I said as I smile again with the thought of seeing Jeongwoo again after three years.

"What about Jeongwoo?! Yah Haruto!" I already ended the call. Oh my God, that was rude of you Haruto. But I still laughed as I imagined Junkyu hyung's face getting all red.

'I can't wait to see them... to see him.'

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