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"Jeongwoo, eat up. Please."

Drowned in my books, I continued reading. Junkyu has been nagging me for three days to eat a proper meal but I just can't. I only have three days left before my exam.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Woo? Do you actually believed Dad?" he sat on my bed.

Do I believe him? Maybe. I haven't organized my thoughts yet, I am crying over it but I can't actually say what's inside my head. I have so many questions. I never checked my phone, I will just keep seeing people talking about me and Haruto all over the social media and group chats, I can't deal with it right now, I am too filled with unnecessary thoughts.

"Haruto..." Junkyu stared at me biting his lips knowing he mentioned the name I am trying to avoid hearing.

"Stop it, hyung. Just leave me alone, I need to study,"

"is outside for three days..."

I froze. Will that make me feel better? Is he trying to make me feel guilty? Am I angry with him? I don't know... I am more afraid that my father will harm him.

"Let him be. He can die waiting if he wants,"

"Jeongwoo... if you'll do that, just please break up with him. Don't be too harsh."

He stood up and put the tray of foods on my side table. I know my brother is dealing with something too, I keep giving him a headache... I feel bad.

"Just show up yourself to him, Woo. Haruto will get sick," by that he quietly left my room.

He's dead if Dad see him. I started shaking again, I'm so afraid for him... I can't let my father ruin Haruto.

I sighed heavily. I end up closing my books and got my jacket because it's cold outside.

I stopped and think hardly if it's right to face Haruto, I don't know what should I say... I grabbed the door knob and just walked out of my room.

Maids are all over, I am not used to it anymore since I was living a normal life for years. They stopped doing their chores and bowed down when I passed by through them, I bowed down and greeted them back as a sign of respect. Some were shocked with what I did, I just shrugged it off.

Dad is basically out of the mansion running some errands, I don't care about him though, I haven't cared at all for a long time already.

I saw Haruto in his black coat sitting in a bench outside the gate, his hair is messy and he is still wearing the same white t-shirt he wore last three days. He immediately stood up from his seat and waited for me.

I tried so hard not to let a tear fall. I need to be tough.

The guard opened the gate for me. I can see him playing with his fingers. He is nervous, I'm curious if he's nervous that I found out about him kissing Hara or does he knew that my Dad told me about what he did last three years ago? I don't know.

I felt a flow of guilt seeing him looking pale. His lips is dry and he looks like didn't get to have enough sleep.


His voice is shaking, he is about to cry with those teary eyes. I avoided his gaze because it is tearing my heart.

"About what you saw... I did not kiss her. Believe me," he tried to reach out for my hand but I slapped his hands away. I need to be tough... I need to save him from my Dad.

"Haruto. Let's break up."

I saw him shifting expressions from crying to shocked. He keeps shaking his head. He held my hands tight as he could.

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