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A four corner white room welcomed my sight the moment I opened my eyes. Things are blurry, I can't even see these people watching over me clearly.

Little by little, I started feeling body ache, my head is badly hurting right now and I am now holding it as I groaned out of the pain.

"Jeongwoo..." I heard my brother, Junkyu, called out. I can see his trace walking towards the hospital bed where I am lying down, holding my hands tightly.

"You are fine, don't worry." he said- I saw him trying to draw a smile but it came out to be a forced one, fake and sad.

I am seeing Yedam and Hyunsuk with him. They look like something awful happened- is it with me? am I injured or what?

"What am I doing here?" I asked puzzled. I can't remember what really happened, the only thing that is clear with me, I spent my night with Haruto. And he confessed to me.

"You don't remember what happened, Woo?"

I spaced out for the meanwhile, trying to dig in some answer. I can feel like something stuck in my throat as I tried fo swallow it, finally remembering what made me end up here.

My hand searched for Haruto and I feel the space beside me is in vacany. He is not here. I was lazy to open my eyes when I suddenly felt a bad presence-

"Sleeping beauty." a hand slapped my face gently, holding my jaw giving me a painful grip. The Mingyu I used to see as an angel without wings when he smiles turns out to be a devil in nature.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled trying to get rid of his dirty hand holding my face. He tied my hands, should I consider him kind for not covering my mouth with a tape?

"Shut up you piece of slut!" he strongly said, emphasizing that displeasing phrase. I clenched my teeth, feeling heated with the way he said that. I can't let that pass.

I tried my very best to reach him, I badly want to kick him in his face. He is no one, he can't address me that way.

He laughed watching me being desperate to break his face. "What now, Jeongwoo? That's the truth, you are a slut! You played my game yet you are swerving lane and ready to play Haruto's game! What do you think of yourself?! You think you are that high?" he threw the vase he saw as I can see the anger in his eyes.

"How dare you call me slut? I never played your game, Mingyu! I let you do what you pleased to do because that's how you are, you never accept no for an answer." I responded. Smirking.

"You are a brat and you admitted that to me. You can physically hurt everyone who blocks your way, right? And now, you are seeing Haruto a hindrance, as if you'll win me. Never, Mingyu." that made him angry even more as I felt his heavy hand slapping me. He wrapped his hand around my nape forcing my face to go near him.

"Desperate much, Mingyu? This won't change anything, I won't ever like you, not even you kill me!" I shouted. He slapped me again, twice- the pain is unbearable but I managed to smirk at him. Although I feel so weak, I need to make him see that this doesn't scares me.

"Fuck you, Jeongwoo! I gave you everything! I bought you luxurious things, I can even grant my promise to buy you the whole world! Just love me back! Marry me! Have dozens of children with me, we can adopt, you want that right?!"

"You are crazy!" I shouted. Mingyu's craziness is getting out of hand, I can't control him anymore nor even give him a calm advice. He won't listen and this is terrifying- I'm afraid he can do worse than this.

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